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Stream: lean4

Topic: Bug in delaborator?

Siddhartha Gadgil (Aug 03 2023 at 01:48):

It seems that the delaborator has a bug where parenthesis are missing when needed in some cases (unless the bug is in formatTerm and Syntax.reprint. The code that gives this is:

import Lean

open Lean Meta PrettyPrinter in
def delabView (name: Name) : MetaM String :=
    let info   getConstInfo name
    let term := info.value?.get!
    let stx   delab term
    let fmt   formatTerm stx
    return fmt.pretty

def egComp {α β γ α' : Type} (f : α'  β  γ) (g : (a : α)  α')
    (a : α) (b : β) :=  f (g a) b

#print egComp /- def egComp : {α β γ α' : Type} → (α' → β → γ) → (α → α') → α → β → γ :=
-- fun {α β γ α'} f g a b => f (g a) b -/

#eval delabView `egComp -- "fun {α β γ α'} f g a b => f g a b"

The parenthesis in (g a) are dropped in the last case. If I use Syntax.reprint I get the same error. However going straight from the expression to format is fine as in the print statement. Since I am using custom delaborators for data extraction, I need to do this in two steps (debugging my code showed what seems an upstream bug).

Siddhartha Gadgil (Aug 03 2023 at 06:21):

Looking at the syntax, the problem seems to be in Syntax.reprint as well as formatTerm. The right-hand side is as follows:

          (Lean.SourceInfo.synthetic { byteIdx := 87381 } { byteIdx := 87381 } false)
              (Lean.SourceInfo.synthetic { byteIdx := 1398096 } { byteIdx := 1398096 } false)
                  (Lean.SourceInfo.synthetic { byteIdx := 1398097 } { byteIdx := 1398097 } false)
                      (Lean.SourceInfo.synthetic { byteIdx := 5592388 } { byteIdx := 5592388 } false)
                          (Lean.SourceInfo.synthetic { byteIdx := 5592389 } { byteIdx := 5592389 } false)
                  (Lean.SourceInfo.synthetic { byteIdx := 349525 } { byteIdx := 349525 } false)

Siddhartha Gadgil (Aug 03 2023 at 07:18):

I see my mistake. If I use ppTerm the result is correct.
Still, should the above be considered a bug?

Sebastian Ullrich (Aug 03 2023 at 07:45):

If you look at the definition of ppExpr, you will find three components it is made up of:

  • delaborator
  • parenthesizer
  • formatter

At this point you can probably guess which step you are missing :)

Siddhartha Gadgil (Aug 03 2023 at 08:32):

Where is the parenthesizer (just to learn - in my code I will use ppTerm).

Sebastian Ullrich (Aug 03 2023 at 08:36):

The main entry point ppTerm uses is docs#Lean.PrettyPrinter.parenthesizeCategory

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC