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Stream: lean4

Topic: Bug in kernel level normalization

Parth Shastri (Oct 18 2022 at 19:10):


level normalize(level const & l) {
    auto p = to_offset(l);
    level const & r = p.first;
    switch (kind(r)) {
    case level_kind::IMax: {
        auto l1 = normalize(imax_lhs(r));
        auto l2 = normalize(imax_rhs(r));
        return mk_imax(l1, l2);

The result only takes into consideration the level offset p.first and not the offset p.second. The corresponding code in lean includes addOffset, which is missing here:

        let l₁ := normalize l₁
        let l₂ := normalize l₂
        addOffset (mkIMaxAux l₁ l₂) k

I believe the correct code should be return mk_succ(mk_imax(l1, l2), p.second);.

A consequence of this is that the following code

example : Sort (imax u v + 1) := Unit -> Sort (imax u v)

results in this error

(kernel) declaration type mismatch, '_example' has type
  Type (max 0 (imax u v))
but it is expected to have type
  Type (imax u v)

The type of the value is Sort (imax 1 (imax u v + 1)), which the Lean version correctly simplifies to Sort (imax u v + 1) = Type (imax u v). However, the kernel seems to incorrectly simplify it to Sort (max 1 (imax u v)), where the + 1 is missing (I'm not entirely sure where the max 0 is coming from).

(On a side note, is there any way to pass a term directly to the kernel without the intermediate type checking step done in Lean?)

Parth Shastri (Oct 26 2022 at 04:28):

I figured out how to directly send declarations to the kernel.

syntax "kdef " ident (".{" ident,+ "}")? " : " term " := " term : command

open Lean Elab Command Term in
elab_rules : command | `(kdef $name $[.{ $levelParams?,* }]? : $type := $value) => do
  let levelParams :=
    if let some levelParams := levelParams?
    then levelParams.getElems.toList.map (·.getId)
    else []
  let (type, value)  runTermElabM fun _ => do
    setLevelNames levelParams
    let type  elabTermAndSynthesize type none
    let value  elabTermAndSynthesize value none
    return (type, value)
  liftCoreM <| addDecl <| .defnDecl {
    name := name.getId
    hints := .abbrev
    safety := .safe

I'm curious if it is possible to provide a proof of False with this. We can already define a term e := Sort l₁ such that e := Sort l₂ for any constants l₁ and l₂, though I'm unsure of how Girard's paradox could be implemented.

kdef bug'.{u} : Sort (imax 1 u + 2) := Sort (imax 1 u + 1)
def bug := bug'.{0}

#check bug      -- bug : Type 1
#reduce bug     -- Type

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2022 at 05:07):

No, addDecl goes to the kernel, and the kernel checks that things are valid for the type theory, so you should not be able to prove False if lean is consistent

James Gallicchio (Oct 26 2022 at 05:09):

(To be clear, this all typechecks in Lean4 nightly; I think Parth found a consistency bug, albeit a small one)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2022 at 05:11):

Although, since the environment is itself implemented in lean I think you can bypass the kernel by calling Environment.add instead of addDecl

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2022 at 05:44):

Great, I knew I proved girard's paradox for a reason. (Thanks mathport!)

import Lean
syntax "kdef " ident (".{" ident,+ "}")? " : " term " := " term : command

open Lean Elab Command Term in
elab_rules : command | `(kdef $name $[.{ $levelParams?,* }]? : $type := $value) => do
  let levelParams :=
    if let some levelParams := levelParams?
    then levelParams.getElems.toList.map (·.getId)
    else []
  let (type, value)  runTermElabM fun _ => do
    setLevelNames levelParams
    let type  elabTermAndSynthesize type none
    let value  elabTermAndSynthesize value none
    return (type, value)
  liftCoreM <| addDecl <| .defnDecl {
    name := name.getId
    hints := .abbrev
    safety := .safe

kdef Univ'.{u} : Sort (imax 1 u + 1) := Sort (imax 1 u + 1)
def Univ := Univ'.{0}
#check (Univ : Univ) -- !!!

abbrev Set (X) := X  Prop

syntax "{" ident (":" term)? "|" term "}" : term
macro_rules | `({$x $[: $ty]?| $p}) => `(λ $x $[: $ty]? => $p)
macro_rules | `($x  $p) => `($p $x)

theorem iff_of_eq (e : a = b) : a  b := e  .rfl

/-- **Girard's paradox**: there are no universes `u` such that `Type u : Type u`.
Since we can't actually change the type of Lean's `Π` operator, we assume the existence of
`pi`, `lam`, `app` and the `beta` rule equivalent to the `Π` and `app` constructors of type theory.
theorem girard
    (pi : (Type u  Type u)  Type u)
    (lam :  {A : Type u  Type u}, ( x, A x)  pi A)
    (app :  {A}, pi A   x, A x)
    (beta :  {A : Type u  Type u} (f :  x, A x) (x), app (lam f) x = f x) : False :=
  let F (X) := (Set (Set X)  X)  Set (Set X)
  let U := pi F
  let G (T : Set (Set U)) (X) : F X := fun f => { p | { x : U | f (app x X f)  p }  T }
  let τ (T : Set (Set U)) : U := lam (G T)
  let σ (S : U) : Set (Set U) := app S U τ
  have στ :  {s S}, s  σ (τ S)  { x | τ (σ x)  s }  S := @fun s S =>
    iff_of_eq (congrArg (fun f : F U => s  f τ) (beta (G S) U) : _)
  let ω : Set (Set U) := { p |  x, p  σ x  x  p }
  let δ (S : Set (Set U)) :=  p, p  S  τ S  p
  have : δ ω := fun p d => d (τ ω) <| στ.2 fun x h => d (τ (σ x)) (στ.2 h)
  this { y | ¬δ (σ y) } (fun x e f => f _ e fun p h => f _ (στ.1 h)) fun p h => this _ (στ.1 h)

theorem contradiction : False := girard
  (pi := fun F =>  x : (Univ : Univ), F x)
  (lam := fun f _ => f _) (app := fun f _ => f _) (beta := fun _ _ => rfl)

#print axioms contradiction
-- 'contradiction' does not depend on any axioms

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2022 at 05:56):

It would be nice to try this out on an external checker. cc: @Gabriel Ebner, does trepplein work on lean 4 proofs?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2022 at 05:57):

The analogous code fails as expected in lean 3:

open tactic level expr

#eval do
  add_decl (declaration.defn `bad' [`u]
    (sort (succ (imax (succ zero) (param `u))))
    (sort (succ (succ (imax (succ zero) (param `u)))))
-- type mismatch at definition 'bad'', has type
--   Type ((imax 1 u)+2)
-- but is expected to have type
--   Type (imax 1 u)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2022 at 06:59):


Rish Vaishnav (Oct 26 2022 at 16:09):

FWIW, our WIP Yatima typechecker (based on NbE) that I'm working on with @Gabriel Barreto seems to (correctly?) fail at the definition of Univ':

× contradiction (theorem) typechecks
    Expected '"ok _"' but got '"error Expected (Sort 1+(imax 1 (u#0))), found (Sort 2+(imax 1 (u#0)))"'
× Univ (definition) typechecks
    Expected '"ok _"' but got '"error Expected (Sort 1+(imax 1 (u#0))), found (Sort 2+(imax 1 (u#0)))"'
× Univ' (definition) typechecks
   Expected '"ok _"' but got '"error Expected (Sort 1+(imax 1 (u#0))), found (Sort 2+(imax 1 (u#0)))"'

Rish Vaishnav (Oct 26 2022 at 16:12):

(this was from a commit where we just got the prelude to typecheck, we're in the midst of a refactor right now)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC