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Stream: lean4

Topic: Can small Nat always be unboxed?

François G. Dorais (Feb 12 2023 at 22:02):

The Lean FFI doc explains how small Nat can be "boxed" rather than link to a bignum object. However, small Nat can also be represented as bignums. Is there an attempt in Lean to make sure that small Nat values are always boxed scalars rather than bignums? Right now, all my user-facing foreign functions are prepared to accept "small bignums" but I am tempted to "cheat" in my internal functions, provided I can rely on Lean to cooperate.

Mario Carneiro (Feb 13 2023 at 02:34):

It is not valid to the ABI to store small nats as bignums. Doing so will cause e.g. equality comparison between small 0 and big 0 to fail.

Mario Carneiro (Feb 13 2023 at 02:34):

if you want a custom ABI for your internal functions, that's your business, but you can't pass those objects to unknown lean code

Mario Carneiro (Feb 13 2023 at 02:36):

(also, small nats are "unboxed", meaning not behind a pointer indirection, not boxed.)

François G. Dorais (Feb 13 2023 at 04:01):

The "boxed" terminology is a bit confusing when it comes to Nat. A small enough nat is not "unboxed" in the sense that it is not stored as a plain scalar. Rather, it is stored as a "fake pointer" with value 2x+1, if that fits in a pointer. There is no confusion with actual Lean object pointers because of alignment. This is different from scalar values that can be passed as-is, not as "fake pointers".

François G. Dorais (Feb 13 2023 at 04:05):

I guess my question is better stated as: can a Nat parameter fail lean_is_scalar even if the value is small enough?

Mario Carneiro (Feb 13 2023 at 06:27):

No. If it is less than LEAN_MAX_SMALL_NAT then it must be represented as a "fake pointer"

Mario Carneiro (Feb 13 2023 at 06:31):

for instance, adding big 0 + big 0 results in an assertion failure in mpz_to_nat_core due to its use in lean_nat_big_add

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC