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Stream: lean4

Topic: Cases on a Bool

Brandon Brown (Jun 05 2021 at 01:05):

I've defined the integers as a subtype that defines integers to be either zero or of the form pred^n zero or succ^n zero. I want to write a function that takes an arbitrary term of the base type and coerce it to the subtype by doing cases on whether the base int is already in normal form or not. So if it's in normal form, just package that as the int, and if not, just return zero packaged as an int.

inductive b_int : Type
| zero : b_int
| succ : b_int  b_int
| pred : b_int  b_int

open b_int

def is_norm (a : b_int) : Bool :=
match a with
| zero => true
| succ (pred a) => false
| pred (succ a) => false
| succ zero => true
| pred zero => true
| succ a => is_norm a
| pred a => is_norm a

def int := {x : b_int // is_norm x}

-- doesn't let me have access to proof that `is_norm x` when `c` is true
def b_int_to_int (x : b_int) : int := do
  let c := is_norm x
  if c then
    return ((Subtype.mk x rfl) : int) -- error
    return ((Subtype.mk zero rfl) : int)

Kyle Miller (Jun 05 2021 at 01:37):

There's a special syntax to get the proof in an if statement:

def b_int_to_int (x : b_int) : int := do
  if c : is_norm x then
    return ((Subtype.mk x c) : int)
    return ((Subtype.mk zero rfl) : int)

Kyle Miller (Jun 05 2021 at 01:38):

You can also use the angle bracket constructor notation:

def b_int_to_int (x : b_int) : int :=
  if c : is_norm x then
    return x, c
    return zero, rfl

Brandon Brown (Jun 05 2021 at 01:59):

Awesome, thanks!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC