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Stream: lean4

Topic: Chaining commands defined as macros

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2022 at 13:51):

Is there a way to "compose" commands defined using macro? Silly mwe:

macro "c0" s:ident : command => `(def $s:ident : Nat := 0)
macro "c1" s:ident : command => `(def $s:ident : Nat := 1)

macro "c01" s:ident t:ident : command => do
  `(c0 $s)
  `(c1 $t)

The last macro gives an error because `(c0 $s) would have had to be of type MacroM Punit

Leonardo de Moura (Oct 05 2022 at 13:57):

macro "c0" s:ident : command => `(def $s:ident : Nat := 0)
macro "c1" s:ident : command => `(def $s:ident : Nat := 1)

macro "c01" s:ident t:ident : command => do
  `(c0 $s c1 $t)

c01 x y
#print x
#print y

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2022 at 14:02):

Thanks! Just for my own understanding, I would still like to know whether there is a way to do this without putting both c0 and c1 in a single quotation.

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 05 2022 at 14:03):

A macro is a transformation from syntax tree to syntax tree, so in the end you do have to produce exactly one tree. In an elaborator however you can "execute" intermediate commands using elabCommand, which does produce Unit

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2022 at 14:04):

yes I understand that. But there must be a way to run a macro in an elab command?

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 05 2022 at 14:05):

Yes, by feeding the macro's output into elabCommand

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2022 at 14:06):

Ah okay I think I understand

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2022 at 14:50):

For the sake of completeness, I suppose

import Lean
open Lean Elab Command

macro "c0" s:ident : command => `(def $s:ident : Nat := 0)
macro "c1" s:ident : command => `(def $s:ident : Nat := 1)

elab "c01" s:ident t:ident : command => do
  elabCommand ( `(c0 $s))
  elabCommand ( `(c1 $t))

c01 x y
#print x
#print y

illustrates what @Sebastian Ullrich was saying?

Adam Topaz (Oct 05 2022 at 14:50):

Anyway, this works! Thanks to both of you!

Marcus Rossel (Oct 05 2022 at 20:37):

@Adam Topaz, you might also be interested in mkNullNode for chaining instances of Command on a syntactic level: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Antiquot.20Splice/near/297761901

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC