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Stream: lean4

Topic: Circumvent non-positive occurence

Marcus Rossel (Sep 03 2023 at 15:21):

I'm trying to define LTL. I've defined the syntax:

Now I'd like to define the satisfaction relation as:

def Assignment (V : Type) := V  Bool
def Trace (V : Type) := Nat  Assignment V

-- ERROR: (kernel) arg #5 of 'LTL.Proposition.Sat.not' has a non positive occurrence of the datatypes being declared
inductive Proposition.Sat (σ : Trace V) : Nat  Proposition V  Prop
  | true  :                                                                    Sat σ i 
  | var   : (σ i v = Bool.true)                                               Sat σ i v
  | not   : (¬ Sat σ i p)                                                     Sat σ i (not p)
  | and   : (Sat σ i lhs)  (Sat σ i rhs)                                     Sat σ i (lhs  rhs)
  | next  : (Sat σ (i + 1) p)                                                 Sat σ i p
  | until : (i  j)  (Sat σ j rhs)  ( k, (i  k)  (k < j)  Sat σ k lhs)  Sat σ i (lhs U rhs)

As you can see, this produces an error because the not constructor has a non-positive occurrence of Proposition.Sat by virtue of the negation. Is there any way to circumvent this issue by restructuring Proposition.Sat?

Of course, going for a plain definition is always an option:

... but I find it tends to be nicer to work with the relations defined as an inductive type.

Arthur Adjedj (Sep 03 2023 at 16:15):

I would advise you to use the definition version of your predicate here. There isn't really a way to circumvent this kind of strict positivity issue, and fixpoints generally behave better than inductive definitions in Prop (for example, you can get large-elimination out of your def here, but not out of the inductive equivalent, even if it was strictly positive)

Marcus Rossel (Sep 04 2023 at 11:37):

That's reassuring, thanks!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC