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Stream: lean4

Topic: Classical theory

Marcus Rossel (Feb 27 2023 at 18:31):

IIRC in Lean 3 there was a way to declare that one's entire project should be able to use classical reasoning, thus alleviating the pain of writing open classical everywhere. Is there a way to do this in Lean 4?

Henrik Böving (Feb 27 2023 at 18:32):

You do not have to open Classical to actual use classical logic, the axioms etc. are just in a namespace named Classical there is no magic afaik.

Marcus Rossel (Feb 27 2023 at 18:33):

But I think if I don't open Classical I (for example) don't get certain type class instances automatically (e.g. DecidablePred for every predicate).

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:34):

If you do open scoped Classical you get just the instances by the way.

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:35):

I'm not recalling what you're talking about for Lean 3 -- I know about open_locale classical and noncomputable theory, but I'd only ever seen those at the top of a file.

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 27 2023 at 18:36):

Yes, I don't think open classical gives any new instances in lean 3, I think it just literally copies stuff into the root namespace

Marcus Rossel (Feb 27 2023 at 18:36):

Kevin Buzzard said:

Yes, I don't think open classical gives any new instances

#synth  p, DecidablePred p -- fails

open Classical
#synth  p, DecidablePred p -- works

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 27 2023 at 18:37):

Oh interesting! This was not a thing in Lean 3 AFAIK

Henrik Böving (Feb 27 2023 at 18:37):

it doesnt work because the Decidable instance is a scoped one so indeed you have to open the scope to get this to work.

Marcus Rossel (Feb 27 2023 at 18:37):

Kyle Miller said:

I'm not recalling what you're talking about for Lean 3 -- I know about open_locale classical and noncomputable theory, but I'd only ever seen those at the top of a file.

Perhaps I thought that open_locale_classical behaves like open Classical on every file in the project. Does it not?

Marcus Rossel (Feb 27 2023 at 18:38):

Henrik Böving said:

it doesnt work because the Decidable instance is a scoped one so indeed you have to open the scope to get this to work.

What is the whole scoped thing about?

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:39):

scoped instances are basically a replacement for the open_locale mechanism

Henrik Böving (Feb 27 2023 at 18:39):

uh, its an attribute you can put on things like notation or instances that says "only make this active if the user has opened the scope".

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:40):

The way open_locale worked is that you could register actual Lean code to run when you open a "locale"

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:40):

so for example adding notation or running the attribute command

Marcus Rossel (Feb 27 2023 at 18:42):

Thanks for all this info! I can use it to rephrase my original question :big_smile::
Is there a way to open scoped instances from a given namespace for an entire project instead of a single file?

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:43):

I just checked the Lean 3 behavior, and open_locale classical did not work across modules. You had to do it per module.

Jireh Loreaux (Feb 27 2023 at 18:44):

Kyle, I think this may have been a semi-recent fix. I recall not long ago that there was some problem with open_locale classical infecting downstream files. (Perhaps I'm misremembering, but I recall it distinctly.)

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:45):

It has been exactly the same as writing this for a couple years:

local attribute [instance, priority 9] classical.prop_decidable
local attribute [instance, priority 8] eq.decidable

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:45):

You might be thinking of the classical tactic infecting later theorems in a file?

Jireh Loreaux (Feb 27 2023 at 18:46):


Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:47):

@Marcus Rossel Maybe a more general (and still reasonable) question would be "is there a way to run some command at the beginning of every module in my project?"

Jireh Loreaux (Feb 27 2023 at 18:48):

Marcus, I would assume that there is no way to open a scope for an entire project because it would need to go in the lake manifest, but then lake would somehow need to know about the scopes defined in imported projects. But perhaps people other than me have more clever ideas.

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 18:53):

@Marcus Rossel Actually, it turns out to be easy if you're OK with needing to import something. I just wasn't sure if this was allowed. Create a module containing attribute [instance] Classical.propDecidable and then import it in such a way that every module in your project (transitively) imports it.

Reid Barton (Feb 27 2023 at 19:17):

Doesn't that only affect the current module (contrary to what one might think)? Or was that only for -instance?

Kyle Miller (Feb 27 2023 at 19:21):

I guess it was contrary to contrary what one might think for me, since I thought it might work just like -instance, but in the test I did it actually carries over to another module.

Reid Barton (Feb 27 2023 at 19:54):

I guess that sort of makes sense but really it seems unnecessarily confusing

Oliver Nash (Jul 25 2023 at 12:47):

Do we wish to discourage open Classical in Mathlib4 the same way we (usually) discouraged open_locale classical in Mathlib3?

Oliver Nash (Jul 25 2023 at 12:47):

For example:

import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Parity

noncomputable section

open Classical

def foo (s : Finset ) : Finset  := s.filter Even

set_option pp.explicit true
set_option pp.fullNames true

fun s ↦ @Finset.filter

  (@Even ℕ instAddNat)
  (fun a ↦ Classical.propDecidable (@Even ℕ instAddNat a))
#print foo

Oliver Nash (Jul 25 2023 at 12:48):

shows that definitions will still pick up the Classical instances if open Classical is active and this presumably causes definitional problems later on.

Eric Wieser (Jul 25 2023 at 14:05):

I think open Classical should only ever be allowed in the form

open Classical in
def foo := sorry

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 25 2023 at 14:11):

Why does it pick up the classical instances? Should we decrease their priority?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 25 2023 at 15:38):

History says that this won't work -- lean will eventually find the bad instances somehow. We now have a good understanding of what we should be doing -- decidable assumptions to make theorem statements compile and the (now not broken) classical tactic in proofs.

Eric Wieser (Jul 25 2023 at 15:40):

Kevin, there's one more missing piece which is using the classical instances in defs still

Eric Wieser (Jul 25 2023 at 15:41):

Which is ok, but requires either open Classical in beforehand or letI := Classical.dec _ or similar inside

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC