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Stream: lean4

Topic: Command for making structures

Adam Topaz (Oct 03 2022 at 20:15):

I'm trying to figure out how to make a command that creates a structure where the number of fields can vary.
For instance,

macro "test" s:declId : command => `(structure $s where)

would give me a command where test foo would make an empty structure called foo.

Now what I want similar command, but with an additional parameter, say n, e.g.

macro "test" s:declId n:num : command => sorry

For simplicity, let's just say that this command should create a structure named $s, with n fields, say called a_1, a_2, ..., a_n, all of type Nat.

I'm not really sure where to even look for examples of such things. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Marcus Rossel (Oct 04 2022 at 08:05):

This works:

import Lean
open Lean

macro "test" s:declId n:num : command => do
  let mut idents : Array Ident := #[]
  for idx in [:n.getNat] do
    idents := idents.push (mkIdent s!"a_{idx}")
  `(structure $s where $[$idents:ident : Nat]*)

Marcus Rossel (Oct 04 2022 at 08:07):

I think the main challenge is the splice, about which I've had a question recently.

Adam Topaz (Oct 04 2022 at 14:09):

Thanks! This is much easier than I expected!

Adam Topaz (Oct 04 2022 at 14:23):

BTW, is there somewhere where I can read more about $[ ... ]*?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC