Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: Community Guidelines

Daniel Selsam (Apr 19 2021 at 16:13):

Lean4 has a diverse community. To facilitate harmonious collaboration, we the developers propose the following community guidelines.

  1. Be Gracious. People are working hard. If somebody implements a new feature, please say something nice before pointing out limitations. If you notice a rough edge, recognize that addressing it may not be others' highest priority and that sharing your frustration may not be productive.
  2. Be Humble. Lean is a sophisticated system. When phrasing suggestions, please consider the possibility that your suggestions may be unwise or otherwise problematic, especially if you are not an expert.
  3. Stay United. Fragmentation will hurt all of us in the long run. We are committed to developing one version of Lean that serves all of our sub-communities. Please do not even consider releasing an alternate version except as an absolute last resort.

If anybody notices a transgression of these guidelines in this stream, we kindly ask that you tag it with the :butterfly: icon. This icon should be interpreted as a friendly nudge only and not a castigation.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC