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Stream: lean4

Topic: Commutative Diagram Widget

Sina (Nov 15 2022 at 03:39):

I am experimenting with the CommDiag widget by @Wojciech Nawrocki here: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/pull/363
This is really awesome. Thanks for doing it.

Just wanted to report that in some examples the labeling of nodes (i.e. objects) are wrong. Perhaps, you have already noticed this in which case please ignore this message. Here is an example:

example {X Y Z : Type} {f g : X  Y} {k : Y  Y} {f' : Y  Z} :
  (f  k) = g  ((f  k)  f') = (g  𝟙 Y  f') := by
    intro h
    simp [h]
    rw  [ category.assoc' g (𝟙 Y) f']
    rw [category.comp_id' g]

In the bottom row of the following diagram objects Z and Y should be swapped.

Wojciech Nawrocki (Nov 15 2022 at 03:45):

Thank you for trying it out and for the report! I have not seen this before -- I will fix it. The visualization is in really early stages, so there will be many bugs; but reports are appreciated :) Of course there is another clear issue in that the nested compositions should be probably be expanded into their own arrows.

František Silváši 🦉 (Nov 15 2022 at 10:41):

Whoa, this exists... alright this is brilliant. (Nevermind me, just a random comment.)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC