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Stream: lean4

Topic: DecidableRel for Option.lt issue

Scott Kovach (Nov 05 2021 at 01:02):

I came across the instance https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/Init/Data/Option/Basic.lean#L70, which isn't working:

instance : DecidableRel (. < . : Option Nat -> Option Nat -> Prop) := inferInstance -- fails

I talked to @Kyle Miller about it, and he wrote this additional definition, which can derive the appropriate instance:

instance [t : LT α] [s : DecidableRel (LT.lt (α := α))] : DecidableRel (LT.lt (α := Option α)) :=
  by {
    simp [LT.lt];

Kyle Miller (Nov 05 2021 at 04:44):

Another example is that without this additional instance the following fails to find a Decidable instance.

def foo (x : Nat) : Bool := if some x < none then true else false

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC