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Stream: lean4

Topic: Default value in structure

Markus Schmaus (Oct 11 2023 at 12:34):

I'm trying to define a structure with a property which Lean can proof using decide. Here is a minimal example:

structure Two where
  x : Nat
  property : x = 2 := by decide

def a : Two := {x := 2}
def b := Two.mk 2
def c : Two := 2 -- fails

Both def a and def b work, but def c fails. How can I make def c work as well?

Utensil Song (Oct 11 2023 at 12:52):

def c : Two := ⟨2, rfl⟩ works, but I guess you want to omit it.

Alex J. Best (Oct 11 2023 at 12:56):

I'm not sure that's possible with Lean right now. the anonymous constructor syntax must have as many arguments as explicit arguments for the mk function, and apparently making autoParams implicit doesnt work

Utensil Song (Oct 11 2023 at 12:59):

I tried _, got don't know how to synthesize placeholder for argument 'property', then ..., got unexpected token '..'; expected term.

James Gallicchio (Oct 11 2023 at 16:42):

it does seem a bit .. of a footgun to use autoparams and also anonymous constructors.. seems like a recipe for unmaintainable code

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC