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Stream: lean4

Topic: Definitional equality with patterns

Henrik Böving (Oct 01 2021 at 10:47):

I've got this piece of code:

namespace Test
  inductive Maybe (α : Type u) where
  | none : Maybe α
  | some : α  Maybe α
    deriving Repr

  namespace Maybe
    def apply {α β : Type u} : Maybe (α  β)  Maybe α  Maybe β
    | (some f), (some a) => (some (f a))
    | _, _ => none

    theorem none_apply {x : Maybe α} : apply none x = @none β := by rfl
    theorem apply_none {α β : Type u} {f : Maybe (α  β)} : apply f none = none := by rfl
  end Maybe
end Test

I would expect both theorems to be solved with just rfl but only the first one does, the second fail to be solved by rfl and requires induction/cases to solve. And I'm wondering whether this is a bug? After all there is only one pattern in the function that would allow the result to be some and in none_apply rfl correctly detects this but in apply_none it fails to.

Scott Morrison (Oct 01 2021 at 11:05):

The patterns you write don't always correspond to the definition Lean compiles them down to. Here it's going to do a case split on the first argument to start, and hence in apply_none rfl can't see what is happening.

Scott Morrison (Oct 01 2021 at 11:06):

if you #print apply.match_1 you'll get

def Test.Maybe.apply.match_1.{u_1, u_2} : {α β : Type u_1} 
  (motive : Maybe (α  β)  Maybe α  Sort u_2) 
    (x : Maybe (α  β)) 
      (x_1 : Maybe α) 
        ((f : α  β)  (a : α)  motive (some f) (some a)) 
          ((x : Maybe (α  β))  (x_2 : Maybe α)  motive x x_2)  motive x x_1 :=
fun {α β} motive x x_1 h_1 h_2 =>
  Maybe.casesOn x (h_2 none x_1) fun a => Maybe.casesOn x_1 (h_2 (some a) none) fun a_1 => h_1 a a_1

Scott Morrison (Oct 01 2021 at 11:08):

(To guess to look at apply.match_1, if you have a copy of Mathlib4 you can import Mathlib.Tactic.PrintPrefix and then use #print prefix apply to see that automatically generated auxiliary definitions.)

Reid Barton (Oct 01 2021 at 11:47):

I'm pretty sure you can't make them both definitional equalities, regardless of how you defined apply (other than apply f x = none of course)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC