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Stream: lean4

Topic: Deriving Add

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 19:14):

I would like to derive Add for any structure that has elements equipped with Add. My ultimate goal is to automatically derive that a structure is a vector space if all its elements form a vectors space. What is the best way to approach this?

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 19:15):

My attempt at registering new deriving Add but it does not seem to do anything

import Lean.Meta.Inductive
import Lean.Elab.Deriving.Basic
import Lean.Elab.Deriving.Util

namespace Lean.Elab.Deriving

open Command
open Lean.Parser.Term
open Meta

def mkAddHandler (declNames : Array Name) : CommandElabM Bool := do
  if ( declNames.allM isInductive) && declNames.size > 0 then
    IO.println "Calling Add Handler!"
    return true
    return false

  registerDerivingHandler ``Add mkAddHandler

structure Float2 where
  (x y : Float)
deriving Add

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 19:20):

you should use initialize instead of builtin_initialize, and you should put Float2 in another file

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 19:27):

Ahh it is being registered correctly now! Thanks!

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 20:23):

If anyone is interested here is the solution:

import Lean.Elab.Deriving.Basic

open Lean Elab Command

private def mkAddInstanceCmd (declName : Name) : TermElabM (TSyntax "command") := do
  let env  getEnv
  match getStructureInfo? env declName with
  | some info => do
    let xName : Name := "x"
    let yName : Name := "y"
    let args : TSyntaxArray "term"  info.fieldNames.mapM (λ name => `(($(mkIdent <| xName.append name) + $(mkIdent <| yName.append name))))
    let addFun : TSyntax "term"  `(λ $(mkIdent xName) $(mkIdent yName) => $(mkIdent (declName.append "mk")) $args*)
    let cmd  `(instance : Add $(mkIdent declName) := $addFun⟩)
    return cmd
  | none =>
    pure default

def mkAddHandler (declNames : Array Name) : CommandElabM Bool := do
  let env  getEnv
  if ( declNames.allM (λ name => pure (isStructure env name))) && declNames.size > 0 then
    declNames.forM λ name => do
      let cmd  liftTermElabM <| mkAddInstanceCmd name
      elabCommand cmd
    return true
    return false

  registerDerivingHandler ``Add mkAddHandler

It works but I'm really not sure if I got the macro hygiene correct. Creating names and identifiers is still a bit of a mystery to me.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:24):

macro hygiene is generally as simple as using identifiers directly in the syntax quotation

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:25):

what you are doing is manually creating unhygienic identifiers

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 20:27):

That was my suspicion that the arguments x and y in the lambda are not hygienic. But I wasnt sure how can I create the array args e.g. #[(x.x + y.x), (x.y + y.y)]

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 20:30):

This works, but not sure if it is the intended way:

    let x : TSyntax "ident"  `(x)
    let y : TSyntax "ident"  `(y)
    let args : TSyntaxArray "term"  info.fieldNames.mapM (λ name => `(( $x.$(mkIdent name) + $y.$(mkIdent name))))
    let addFun : TSyntax "term"  `(λ $x $y => $(mkIdent (declName.append "mk")) $args*)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:32):

private def mkAddInstanceCmd (declName : Name) : TermElabM (TSyntax "command") := do
  let env  getEnv
  match getStructureInfo? env declName with
  | some info => do
    let mk := (getStructureCtor env declName).name
    let args : TSyntaxArray `term  info.fieldNames.mapM fun name =>
      `((x.$(mkIdent name) + y.$(mkIdent name)))
    let addFun : Term  `(λ x y => $(mkIdent mk) $args*)
    `(instance : Add $(mkIdent declName) := $addFun⟩)
  | none =>
    pure default

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 20:34):

Interesting, I thought that this way the x and y would end up being different identifiers in args and addFun.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:35):

the identifiers depend on the current "macro scope", which is a ReaderT argument so it can't change unless you use a combinator like withFreshMacroScope

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:36):

it gets incremented when you call back into the macro system or do one step of macro expansion

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:36):

and you can also use that function directly if you want lots of variables

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:38):

The (mkIdent mk) $args* still isn't quite correct because the constructor could have implicit arguments. It's probably better to use a structure literal

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:42):

    let fields : Array Ident := info.fieldNames.map mkIdent
    let fields1 := fields; let fields2 := fields
    `(instance : Add $(mkIdent declName) := λ x y => {
      $[$fields:ident := x.$fields1 + y.$fields2]*

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:42):

cc: @Sebastian Ullrich any particular reason that you can't reuse variables in a syntax quotation?

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 12 2022 at 20:50):

No particular reason, just an edge case in the implementation

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 20:54):

ooh, if you use $(id fields) you get an even weirder error

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 20:55):

I would like to generalize it to user specified binary operation, but for className := ``Add and opName := ``Add.add, this breaks:

    let fields : Array Ident := info.fieldNames.map mkIdent
    let fields1 := fields; let fields2 := fields
    `(instance : $(mkIdent className) $(mkIdent declName) := λ x y => {
      $[$fields:ident := $(mkIdent opName):ident x.$fields1 y.$fields2]*}⟩)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 12 2022 at 21:01):

:sad: I guess the implementation isn't that great at mixing variables with different repetitions. You can still do the original thing:

    let className := ``Add
    let opName := ``Add.add
    let fields  info.fieldNames.map mkIdent |>.mapM fun field =>
        $field:ident := $(mkIdent opName):ident x.$field y.$field)
    `(instance : $(mkIdent className) $(mkIdent declName) := λ x y => { $fields* }⟩)

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 21:34):

Unfortunately this totally fails for parameterized structures such as:

structure Pair2 (α : Type) [Add α] where
  (x y : α)
deriving Add

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 12 2022 at 23:56):

Horray, I can do it even for parameterized structures! I could not figure it out by manipulating Syntax so I had to get my hands dirty and manipulate Expr directly and create Declaration

private def mkBinaryOpInstance (className opName : Name) (declName : Name) : TermElabM Unit := do
  let env  getEnv
  match getStructureInfo? env declName with
  | some info => do
    IO.println s!"{info.structName}"
    let structType  Meta.inferType (mkConst info.structName)
    let instValue  Meta.forallTelescope structType λ xs b =>
      let strct  Meta.mkAppOptM info.structName (xs.map some)
      let binOp 
        Meta.withLocalDecl `x default strct λ x =>
        Meta.withLocalDecl `y default strct λ y =>
           let mut fields := #[]
           for i in [0:info.fieldNames.size] do
             fields := fields.push ( Meta.mkAppM opName #[x.proj info.structName i, y.proj info.structName i])
           (Meta.mkLambdaFVars #[x,y] ( Meta.mkAppM (info.structName.append "mk") fields))

      Meta.mkLambdaFVars xs ( Meta.mkAppM (className.append "mk") #[binOp])

    let instType  Meta.inferType instValue

    let instName : Name := s!"inst{className}{declName}"
    let instDecl : Declaration := .defnDecl
      {levelParams := [],
       hints := .abbrev,
       safety := .safe,
       type := instType,
       value := instValue,
       name := instName,
    addAndCompile instDecl
    Attribute.add instName "instance" default
  | none =>
    pure default

def mkBinaryOpHandler (className opName : Name) (declNames : Array Name) : CommandElabM Bool := do
  let env  getEnv
  if ( declNames.allM (λ name => pure (isStructure env name))) && declNames.size > 0 then
    declNames.forM λ name => do
      liftTermElabM <| mkBinaryOpInstance className opName name
    return true
    return false

  registerDerivingHandler ``Add (mkBinaryOpHandler ``Add ``Add.add)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC