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Stream: lean4
Topic: Detecting match case unreachability
Raghuram (May 20 2022 at 07:59):
namespace Temp
open Option (none some)
variable [LE α] [DecidableRel (α := α) (· ≤ ·)]
def min : List α → Option α
| [] => none
| a::as => some <| match min as with
| none => a
| some a' => if a ≤ a' then a else a'
def min' (l : List α) (h : l ≠ []) : α := match l, h' : min l with
| [], none => absurd rfl h
| _::_, some a => a
end Temp
In the above (using the stable channel of Lean 4 i.e. 4th milestone release), removing the h' :
from min l
results in match
complaining about the missing case cons, none
. Why does this make a difference?
Also, using the nightly version, match
complains about the missing case regardless of whether I include h' :
Leonardo de Moura (May 20 2022 at 13:11):
The match
compiler uses the contradiction
tactic before reporting a missing case. When we add the annotation h' : min l
, we are instructing the match
compiler to add a new hypothesis saying that h' : min l = <pattern>
in each case. The contradiction
tactic uses this information when trying to discharge the missing case. In the m4 milestone, in the cases _::_, none
, we have h' : min (_::_) = none
, which can be detected by the contradiction
tactic as contradictory. Example:
example (a : α) (as : List α) (h : min (a :: as) = none) : False := by
Since the m4 release, we have modified how the annotation h' : min l
is compiled to address issues raised by users. In the new encoding, in the missing branch, the hypothesis is h' : min l = none
. Unfortunately, the contradiction
tactic cannot detect the contradiction anymore. Here is a way to handle that using the nightly build.
def min' (l : List α) (h : l ≠ []) : α :=
match h₁ : l, h₂ : min l with
| [], none => absurd rfl h
| _::_, none => by subst h₁; contradiction
| _::_, some a => a
Note that I annotated both discriminants, and the goal for the _::_, none
h₁ : l = head✝ :: tail✝
h₂ : min l = none
⊢ α
subst h₁
transforms the goal into
h₂ : min (head✝ :: tail✝) = none
⊢ α
which can now be discharged by the contradiction
BTW, in the future, we want to allow users to specify their own tactics for detecting "unreachable" cases.
Raghuram (May 20 2022 at 15:50):
Leonardo de Moura said:
When we add the annotation
h' : min l
, we are instructing thematch
compiler to add a new hypothesis saying thath' : min l = <pattern>
in each case. Thecontradiction
tactic uses this information when trying to discharge the missing case.
Ah, I see. I thought that the purpose of that syntax was only to make that fact user-accessible and that match 'knew' it regardless.
Now that I know this, I thought to check, and the [], none
case can actually be omitted too, even without h1
or h2
(both stable and nightly).
Raghuram (May 20 2022 at 16:00):
BTW is subst
documented anywhere other than the docstring? I can't seem to find it in Theorem Proving in Lean 4 or the manual, and I didn't know it existed until now. (Although in this case rw [h1] at h2;
works just as well.)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC