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Stream: lean4

Topic: Do we still need OptionM?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2022 at 00:50):

This came up in a discussion today with some HOL4 folks, who were surprised to see that Option and OptionM are not the same thing in lean 4. As I recall, the issue had to do with type inference in auto-pure situations. Since auto-pure has since been removed, does this mean that these types can be reunified? Or are there some examples that show bad behavior if Option A is a monad?

Leonardo de Moura (Apr 22 2022 at 01:04):

Another issue was that Lean is not lazy, but we have already adjusted the types of key combinators <|>, *>, etc.

class OrElse (α : Type u) where
  orElse  : α  (Unit  α)  α

I don't recall other pending issues, but I don't have all the details in my mind right now.
@David Thrane Christiansen If I remember correctly you had some reservations regarding the fusion, but I forgot them, sorry. Could you please remind us?

Mario Carneiro (Apr 22 2022 at 01:44):

In any case we should put documentation about this issue somewhere (like on OptionM docs) since I expect it to be a recurring question

David Thrane Christiansen (Apr 24 2022 at 10:17):

My only reservation was that datatypes used as control structures a la Haskell and datatypes used to contain actual data often demand different laziness properties from operations defined on them. It seems quite plausible, however, that it's sufficient to make everything control-structure-like take explicitly thunked expressions in the places where a C programmer would expect short-circuiting, and then arrange for the syntactic overhead to go away via macrology, and then make everything data-manipulation-like be straightforwardly strict. I think this is probably a "try it and see what happens" kind of situation.

Leonardo de Moura (May 04 2022 at 22:35):

OptionM has been deleted, and Monad Option is back.

Siddhartha Gadgil (May 05 2022 at 10:58):

This is especially nice for exposition to a mathematical audience, as Option is (to me at least) the first natural monad. Thanks

Edward Ayers (Aug 31 2022 at 07:39):

Does this mean we can have Monad Task?

Gabriel Ebner (Aug 31 2022 at 08:20):

It's of course possible. But there are a couple of gotchas with Monad Task, which I believe is the reason we don't have it as a default instance.

  1. Task.bind and co. have a priority argument, with Monad Task you'd always get the default.
  2. Every bind creates a new task, which might be a bit expensive.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 31 2022 at 08:31):

It might be nice to have a TaskBuilder monad which encapsulates the task structure but is only actually launched when you do TaskBuilder.run : TaskBuilder A -> Task A

Mario Carneiro (Aug 31 2022 at 08:31):

I'm not actually sure where you would want to use Task.map or Task.bind

Mario Carneiro (Aug 31 2022 at 08:32):

since they seem to be variations on Task.spawn

Edward Ayers (Aug 31 2022 at 08:34):

Task.map and Task.bind are used in the LSP request handling logic.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:04):

Mario Carneiro said:

I'm not actually sure where you would want to use Task.map or Task.bind

since they seem to be variations on Task.spawn

They are much more efficient (c.f. my old task thread).

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:08):

is IO.mapTask different from Task.map?

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:09):

@Mario Carneiro it executes IO code and is impure (so it can be optimized out). Otherwise, it is the same.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:10):

Sorry, that is in relation to Taks.bind/IO.bindTask not Task.map/IO.mapTask.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:10):

IO.mapTask is actually a bind not a map.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:10):

Task.map is just an ordinary map.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:14):

I still can't imagine situations where Task.map would be a good idea compared to just determining in advance what the thread is going to return and then launching it (e.g. by passing around (A -> Task R) -> Task R if you don't yet know what R is)

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:16):

@Mario Carneiro I am pretty sure Task.map is much more efficient than generating closures. Remember, CPS is not efficient in Lean.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:16):

Task.map is going to be just as bad since you have to build up the closure in the task structure itself

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:18):

Mac said:

Remember, CPS is not efficient in Lean.

citation needed? As long as it turns into join points I don't see a major issue with CPS

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:19):

Mario Carneiro said:

citation needed? As long as it turns into join points I don't see a major issue with CPS

Leo has directly said this to me. They did benchmarking and for whatever reason (he did not explain why to me) they found the Lean compiler to produce very inefficient code w/ CPS . This is why the Lean monads are not implemented using CPS.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:21):

You don't want to spawn a thread and then spawn another thread just to join on the first one. The cost of calling a closure should be a lot less than the threading overhead

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:23):

plus there's a big difference between using CPS everywhere and just at points where you would otherwise use Task.map

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:23):

@Mario Carneiro Task.map does not spawn a new thread. It is an extern function implemented in C. It works like the closure you mentioned but produces more efficient code.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:24):

The problem is fundamentally more complicated if the thread has already been spawned, which is the case for Task.map

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:24):

because then you have to swap out the code the thread is currently running

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:25):

@Mario Carneiro yes, but the problem is already solved through Lean's runtime task manager which for Task.map adds a non-thread task (produced from the map closure) as a dependency to the previous task and waits for it on a Task.get/IO.wait.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:29):

I think the answer to my question then is that you should use Task.map when you want to clone the original task object and map it twice or poll both it and the mapped task later

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:29):

if it's just a linear sequence of steps then you should build up a closure instead to avoid the overhead in the task manager

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:32):

Mario Carneiro said:

when you want to clone the original task object

There is no cloning going on.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:33):

I mean something like this:

let a := Task.spawn foo
let b := a.map bar
let c := a.map baz
return (a.get, b.get, c.get)

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:34):

Mario Carneiro said:

if it's just a linear sequence of steps then you should build up a closure instead to avoid the overhead in the task manager

This is true -- composing functions (e.g., manually or with comp) before a Task.map is better than doing so after (with <$>). However, this is almost always the case with functors (and not thus not particularly special to Task.map).

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:36):

what makes Task.map special is that you can also compose inside the argument to spawn. If in the example we only needed b.get we could instead write it as:

let b := Task.spawn fun _ => bar (foo ())
return b.get

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:36):

that's not a transformation that applies generally to any functor

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:37):

true, though generally Task.map is used when you already have an arbitrary spawned task, not at spawn.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:37):

right but why would you be in that situation?

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:38):


Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:38):

For instance, Lake uses Task.map a lot. So does the LSP.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:38):

the CPS trick is how you can avoid spawning the task in the "arbitrary context" case

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:39):

Oh, I think understand the confusion. When one uses Task.map it is because one wants to modify an already spawned task running in parallel (or is already finished). That is, you have some set of tasks that you spawned previously to run in parallel and later on you wish to map their values.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:40):

I assume they mostly fall in the case above though? That is, the task to map is not a "private" one, it is being cloned around

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:40):

e.g. file elaboration tasks or module build tasks

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:42):

Mario Carneiro said:

I assume they mostly fall in the case above though? That is, the task to map is not a "private" one, it is being cloned around

Yes they likely do fit your previous a, b, c example. Though, again, no cloning is taking place.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:42):

when I say clone I mean it in the rust sense, i.e. sharing a pointer

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:43):

in lean that usually just means you can't take advantage of unshared opts

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:43):

so the gist of my argument is that unshared Task.map is an antipattern

Gabriel Ebner (Sep 06 2022 at 15:44):

Mario Carneiro said:

is IO.mapTask different from Task.map?

Yes, Task.map will be cancelled if the refcount reaches zero. While IO.mapTask will always be executed.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:44):

Okay, in that case, I guess I am taking issue with Rust's misuse of terminology. That is not what cloning is. The whole point of a clone (pre-Rust) is that the two objects are not pointing to the same data (e.g., JS's clone and Ruby's clone methods).

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:44):

That's not a thing in lean

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:45):

there is no way as far as I know to force two objects to have disjoint object graphs

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:46):

Mario Carneiro said:

That's not a thing in lean

Lean mutations produce clones (if RC > 1).

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:46):

no, they can still have common data

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:47):

Which is fine (and is what a (shallow) clone is). Only a deep clone requires no nested sharing.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:47):

when you clone an RC you get two pointers to the same thing and an incremented refcount

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:48):

same thing happens in C++

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:49):

That's not a clone, that is just a copy-on-write. JS and Ruby also use reference counters, but their clones generate new objects.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:49):

that is a "shallow clone" if you want to call it that. The pointer objects themselves are distinct, they just point to the same thing

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:49):

A shallow clone is one in which one can mutate the clone's (top-level) data without effecting the original. A RC increment does not do that.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:51):


Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:52):

cloning is always done lazily in lean, it copies as much as it needs to to do mutations

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:53):

copying is always done lazily (copy-on-write) in Lean, the term clone has historically always been used to refer to shallow or deep copies (not lazy ones).

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:53):

e.g., Java, JS, Ruby.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:53):

I think the disconnect here is a disagreement about what "top level" means. You can change the pointer to point to something else without affecting the original, for example

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:54):

in rust objects are on the stack by default so that's the top level

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:54):

in GC languages everything is behind a heap pointer so that's the top level

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:54):

A shallow copy/clone is defined as: "In that case a new object B is created, and the fields values of A are copied over to B"

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:55):

A pointer copy (e.g., a lazy copy or copy-on-write) is something else (not a shallow copy).

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:55):

yup, a pointer object B is created and it's value from A is copied to B

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:56):

Note in the definition, the "fields values of A" not A itself.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:57):

well a pointer is a simple struct with one field

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:57):

No it is not, it is not a struct at all.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:57):

or in lean's case, a union between a pointer and a u64

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:58):

both of which are not structs but simple (non-aggregate) data values, from whom the notion of copying/cloning doesn't even exist.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 15:58):

a value exists in memory on the stack or in a register, so you can certainly copy it elsewhere

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 15:59):


Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:00):

The article literally separates what you are talking about (a primitive copy) from the notion of cloning.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 16:01):

in languages like C++ and Rust where objects on the stack can have destructors, the concept of cloning certainly applies to them

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 16:02):

pointers are just the trivial case where cloning is a memcopy

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:02):

True, it does. Never did I say on object's location (stack, heap, disk, etc.) is relevant to the definition.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:02):

What is relevant is the object's structure.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:03):

Pointers a primitive values, thus they cannot be accurately described as being cloned.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:03):

The object pointed to by a pointer though can.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 16:03):

An RC pointer in fact has a nontrivial destructor and clone operation

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:04):

Yes, the pointer object is clonable.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 16:04):

the clone operation makes a copy of the pointer value but also increments the underlying refcount

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:04):

But that is not the same as cloning the object it points to.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:04):

Mario Carneiro said:

the clone operation makes a copy of the pointer value but also increments the underlying refcount

That is not a proper clone in the first place.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:05):

That is a C++ abuse of the clone function to do pointer magic.

Mario Carneiro (Sep 06 2022 at 16:05):


Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:05):

C++ feature abuse being very common in C++ (and, after a while, the abuse generally becomes standard practice, as with shared pointers). That is, the original idea behind the clone in C++ was to produce shallow/deep clones (hence the name), but eventually people realized it could be used to conveniently manage shared pointers, so it eventually acquired that use as well (even though that does not fit the meaning of the term).

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:06):

Again, the term clone has a clear common definition (as noted on Wikipedia). RC increments do not meet this definition.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:07):

Literally the definition from Wikipedia is: "The process of actually making another exact replica of the object instead of just its reference is called cloning" (emphasis mine)

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:14):

Obviously, this is just a debate over semantics, and there is nothing wrong with different people and groups having different terminology. My point is simply my definition of cloning is not an outlier and is the historically common notion.

Mac (Sep 06 2022 at 16:15):

However, as you pointed out, that distinction is now blurred in many places (e.g., C++ and Rust), thus creating a terminology schism.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC