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Stream: lean4

Topic: Double TC extends

Gabriel DORIATH DÖHLER (Nov 24 2021 at 13:29):

Lets say that we want to define Ring from its two projections on Monoid:

class Monoid (a : Type u) where
  e : a
  mop : a -> a -> a
  properties : ...

class Ring (a : Type u) where
  toAddMonoid : Monoid a
  toMulMonoid : Monoid a
  (add := toAddMonoid.mop)
  (mul := toMulMonoid.mop)
  (zero := toAddMonoid.e)
  (one := toMulMonoid.e)
  opp : ...
  properties : ...

But it would be nicer to use the extends syntax (I think it will automatically add an instance to deduce Monoid from Ring) :

class Monoid ...

class Ring (a : Type u) extends Monoid a, Monoid a where
  (toAddMonoid := toMonoid)
  (toMulMonoid := toMonoid_1)
  -- The same as before
  (add := toAddMonoid.mop)
  (mul := toMulMonoid.mop)
  (zero := toAddMonoid.e)
  (one := toMulMonoid.e)
  opp : ...
  properties : ...

Lean generates the fields Ring.toMonoid (as expected) and Ring.toMonoid_1.
So it works just as expected? Well, not really...
When defining a Ring instance, we can specify toMonoid but not toMonoid_1 and then lean chooses toMonoid_1 := toMonoid.
What am I doing wrong?

Gabriel DORIATH DÖHLER (Nov 24 2021 at 13:45):

Oups I forgot to test one thing: toMonoid_1 isn't available in the definition of Ring. So some of the handy notations like muland one create errors and should instead be declared separately.

Gabriel Ebner (Nov 24 2021 at 13:49):

You might want to look at how we do this in mathlib: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/3d0564ad89b3996f73a499f24f8f92e7b1778323/Mathlib/Algebra/Ring/Basic.lean#L18

We have separate hierarchies for "additive" and "multiplicative" structures (depending on whether you write them with + or *) and then Ring can extend semigroup twice (once additive, once multiplicative, so there's no clash). It's the same in Lean 3.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 24 2021 at 13:49):

I am not an expert in this typeclass stuff but you have defined Monoid to be a class here so lean will expect at most one instance of Monoid α for type class inference to function properly, and you are giving it two. The way we work around this in lean 3 is that we define... What Gabriel just said

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 24 2021 at 13:51):

I remember at the time thinking that having two group heirarchies was crazy but now I think it's a stroke of genius. Often in an introductory group theory class someone might intentionally use some exotic character to denote the group law, but in practice mathematicians either use + or * and furthermore they often have a very good reason for their choice

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 24 2021 at 13:51):

You could do something like "extends Monoid a, Monoid (additive a)"?

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 24 2021 at 13:52):

But then the fields clash anyway

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC