Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: Efficient generated code

Arthur Paulino (Oct 24 2022 at 23:50):

Are there general tips for writing Lean 4 code that generates efficient executables? (please write tips down if you know some :pray:)

Wojciech Nawrocki (Oct 25 2022 at 00:55):

Are you looking for quite detailed Lean 4 or general functional programming tips? Here are two general ones I could think of.

  • If writing recursive functions, try to use tail-recursion. This is not so much about speed as it is about stack size limits - a function which is not tail-recursive can easily run out of stack space when executed on large inputs.
  • Make sure you use persistent data structures when you expect them to be duplicated (i.e. multiple references will exist), and in-place data structures when linear use is possible (refcount never exceeds 1). This ties in with FBIP (this is the Koka tutorial but Lean also uses Perceus).

Arthur Paulino (Oct 25 2022 at 02:57):

I'm also interested in tips specific to Lean 4 :+1:

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 25 2022 at 08:29):

See also this thread: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Metamath.20verifier.20in.20Lean.204

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 25 2022 at 08:38):

Once I got a big speed up by replacing product type A × B with a structure holding A and B.

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 25 2022 at 08:42):

Wow, that is surprising to me. Unless either A or B were unboxed types.

Tomas Skrivan (Oct 25 2022 at 11:23):

Yes they were floats, probably should have mentioned that :)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC