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Stream: lean4

Topic: Error Location and infoview message for induction

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:09):

When using the lean4 variant of induction or cases, the following things happen which I find odd. Let me illustrate with an #mwe:

import Mathlib.Tactic

def linearListReversalInternal (xs : List α) (acc : List α) : List α :=
  match xs with
  | [] => acc
  | l :: ls => linearListReversalInternal ls (l :: acc)

def linearListReverse (xs : List α) := linearListReversalInternal xs []

def naiveListReverse (xs : List α) :=
  match xs with
  | [] => []
  | (y :: ys) => ys ++ [y]

lemma reversal_identical :
   l : List α, linearListReverse l = naiveListReverse l := by
  intro l
  induction l with -- Tactic State : No goals


-- error bar here
  1. As soon as I type the with, my infoview says "No goals". The case distinctions are visible if the "with" is not inserted
  2. The red squiggly line appears well after donewhich is the last line of the proof presumably (I think it is the parser for induction that is reading too far here). In fact I can push the error further down by adding newlines at the end of my file.
  3. If I use the case succ n ih style (assuming Nat), and if I have already inserted done. then as I type case ..... , done is treated as the name of one of the hidden variables until I type the => of the case arm.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:13):

Of these problems, the most annoying UX-wise is 1. IIRC, 2 and 3 have been discussed before and I thought they were resolved already.

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:17):

induction allows a tactic at the beginning of the with clause, but there's no constraint on the column that that tactic appears in, so it seems done is being used as that tactic. There probably should be a colGt in here.

The error you see is because induction ... with ... expects one or more cases. Maybe the tactic should permit zero cases for parsing purposes?

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:18):

the problem is if I don't use with, I can see which cases remain on the infoview and I can start | base_case ...

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:19):

This doesn't happen with induction' l with .... The tactic state still shows all the cases.

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:19):

Right, so if it permits zero cases, it can parse, and then when the tactic executes it can report all the cases you're missing.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:19):

even if it is not done parsing, why should the tactic state disappear or show "no goals"?

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:21):

I find that when there are parsing errors, sometimes tactic execution gives up completely, but it does seem like something is executing here. One tell-tale I think for why induction isn't doing anything is that done should have an error that the cases weren't done.

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:22):

So we're looking at the same thing, here's the parser for induction:

syntax inductionAlts := " with" (ppSpace tactic)? withPosition((colGe inductionAlt)+)

syntax (name := induction) "induction " term,+ (" using " ident)?
  (" generalizing" (ppSpace colGt term:max)+)? (inductionAlts)? : tactic

I think it would be more friendly with

syntax inductionAlts := " with" (ppSpace colGt tactic)? withPosition((colGe inductionAlt)*)

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:23):

It would also be nice if the tactic would show you the tactic state for missing alternates, rather than just saying the name of the case.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:24):

It would definitely be friendlier, but will it fix the no goals issue?

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:25):

I would like to see the remaining goals so that I know which arm I want to work on next and variable names I want to introduce.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:25):

I removed the done. The issue doesn't go away. I still get no goals

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:27):

Your item (1) is in an uncertain state right now because, so long as there are parse errors, I feel like you can't really trust what the infoview is showing you. I think you'll still see "no goals", but you'd have a much more informative error message displayed by the induction tactic.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:28):

induction' seems to give no trouble.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:30):

Kyle Miller said:

Your item (1) is in an uncertain state right now because, so long as there are parse errors, I feel like you can't really trust what the infoview is showing you. I think you'll still see "no goals", but you'd have a much more informative error message displayed by the induction tactic.

I kinda get why you say that, but from a UX standpoint I usually need to see the induction cases before choosing the arms. So maybe the zero arm induction needs to be a non-error as you say.

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:30):

induction' is a completely different tactic, and its with clause is for just choosing names

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:31):

While I think this should still be fixed in some way, do you know about the code action that appears if you don't include with?

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:31):

I don't get a code action on the web editor until I type with

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:33):

In the live.lean-lang.org playground I get it without the with


Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:34):

okay it appears a bit late. But yes I get it now. Both web and vscode.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:34):

Kyle Miller said:

Right, so if it permits zero cases, it can parse, and then when the tactic executes it can report all the cases you're missing.

Could we try this?

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:36):

I think so

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:37):

should I raise an issue (bug or RFC?)?

Notification Bot (Nov 14 2023 at 17:38):

Filippo A. E. Nuccio has marked this topic as resolved.

Notification Bot (Nov 14 2023 at 17:38):

Filippo A. E. Nuccio has marked this topic as unresolved.

Kyle Miller (Nov 14 2023 at 17:40):

Yeah, I think you could write an issue with an mwe of your example, how it's confusing both with and without done, and that you expect it to report an error about the missing cases.

Here's an mwe I just came up with:

example (n : Nat) : True := by
  induction n with

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:43):

making it error free will still leave problems 2 and 3, but I guess that is more convoluted. I would say making done an optional token to mark the end of a by block ought to help. A parser plugin will have to explicitly take the string between by and done or beginning of the next declaration, whichever comes first, and then call the tactic parser on that string. A key difference between this and "bring back begin and end" would be that the existing proofs would still work and done will remain optional. Currently done is a tactic and can be parsed by induction as an inductionAlt and cause errors.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:50):

Mario came up with something similar a few months ago for a Proof ... Qed block, but I suspect implementing an optional done token like this will make the change entirely transparent to existing users.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 17:53):

Last time I recall showing that a naive implementation doesn't work well for blocks inside a case or a conv, so I am guessing it won't be trivial. done, the tactic as it exists now, can be used at the end of an induction/case arm and have/let declaration.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 18:30):

Issue : https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/2876

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 18:31):

I have not added the third error since that seems to be a related by separate issue with case

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 14 2023 at 18:41):

Update: adding both colGt and zero arm should solve errors 1 and 2

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 06:26):

induction n with <missing> is still executed using the induction tactic in spite of the parse error

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 06:27):

and induction always closes all goals unless there are => ?_ arms

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 06:30):

the code action should still trigger even if you have induction n with <missing>, although possibly it doesn't trigger if you have tactics after the with, I didn't test that

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 08:35):

Yeah, but the code action is not the issue. That works well, provided one knows what the bulb is and clicks it.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:17):

The issue here is about the tactic state and error location.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:21):

both of those are working as expected

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:22):

because induction n with ... does not produce any subgoals (all goals are closed by the tactic and its embedded pieces)

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:24):

Well... from a user experience standpoint it is extremely confusing if after typing induction n with... all I get is "No Goals"

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:25):

you don't just get "no goals", you get a parse error

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:25):

and a lightbulb that will fill in the subgoals

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:26):

Where do I get this error?

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:26):

somewhere in line 28

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:27):


Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:27):

a tiny squiggle that I could easily miss.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:27):

Far beyond the expected end of the proof at done

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:27):

it shows up in "all messages" too

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:28):

why would I normally turn on "All messages"? I could have hundreds of messages in a file

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:28):

you should not have red errors anywhere

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:29):

At the end of a project yes.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:29):

that's always your first priority to fix

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:29):

no, ever

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:29):

if you have red errors in the file then things can be badly broken and you will not get useful suggestions

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:29):

except for errors on done and by, which have predictable effects similar to sorry

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:30):

and _

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:30):

I start a lot of proofs with done before filling in the details.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:30):

So in a file with a few dozen theorems, I am going to have a few dozen errors

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:30):

but parse errors especially make a mess of things

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:31):

And my point still stands, that is not the right place to show an error.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:31):

you should always have no parse errors when you take your hands away from the keyboard

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:31):

that is the right place to show a parse error

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:31):

at least, this one

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:31):

Think about this from the point of view of a new user who is not well versed in the parser dark arts

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:32):

I agree that parse errors in general are very poorly surfaced

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:32):

they seem to have been built to be resilient to failure but this doesn't really deliver because it still aborts parsing the rest of the command

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:33):

but they run tactics with missing pieces anyway, and most tactics don't handle this well - pattern matches are assumed to be exhaustive when they aren't, arrays are truncated without warning, weird effects result

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:35):

but it's hard to complain about a parse error showing up at the first place where the remainder cannot be parsed

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:35):

I still disagree on the tactic state issue. The basic UX expectation is that if I haven't finished a proof at the cursor point, I should see a tactic state.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:35):

Mario Carneiro said:

but it's hard to complain about a parse error showing up at the first place where the remainder cannot be parsed

This can be fixed by allowing the parser to finish parsing at zero arms

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:35):

What if there is no tactic state because there is a parse error?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:35):

Not if you made a different parse error

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:36):

I agree about zero arms specifically, I have said as much elsewhere, but this is orthogonal to parse error issues

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:36):

Come on. This is a worst case argument. It is perfectly reasonable that induction n with.. is a complete parse so that the induction cases are visible.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:37):

you should probably be more precise about what you want to see fixed

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:37):

I want this fixed: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/2876

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:37):

because "induction allows zero arms" and "parse errors should show up closer to my cursor position" are completely separate issues

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:39):

In this case the root cause of both problems is the same. induction doesn't finish parsing until it sees at least one alternative. Then it can encounter a sorry or a done and try to parse them as an induction argument.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:39):

Allowing zero arms and forcing indentation for inductionAlt makes both these problems go away.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:40):

Besides making induction proof blocks visibly separate from what follows

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:42):

actually there does seem to be a separate issue, compare the parsing of induction n with with induction n with |

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:42):

both are incomplete syntax, but notice that with the cursor on with the goals are still visible in the second case

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:47):

I don't get that. I only get a different syntax error unexpected end of input; expected '=>'

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:48):

Yes but look at the goals list

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 10:49):


Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:50):

oh, the done breaks it

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 10:50):

the cause is this code:

  let hasAlts := altsSyntax.size > 0
  if hasAlts then
    -- default to initial state outside of alts
    -- HACK: because this node has the same span as the original tactic,
    -- we need to take all the info trees we have produced so far and re-nest them
    -- inside this node as well
    let treesSaved  getResetInfoTrees
    withInfoContext ((modifyInfoState fun s => { s with trees := treesSaved }) *> go) (pure initialInfo)
  else go

It is using altsSyntax.size > 0 to detect whether this is induction x with ... vs induction x but this fails when there are no alts but with was used (and it is a syntax error)

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 11:19):

okay, but isn't the overall issue with the syntax itself which expects an argument?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 11:21):

like I said, this is two separate things. Make an issue specifically about induction 0+ instead of talking about parse errors

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 11:21):

you can have parse errors even with induction 0+, like

induction x with

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 11:23):

Issue 2876 was a bug report

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 11:23):

So included all the bugs I saw in those two examples

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 11:23):

and that's not helpful for focusing solutions to the problem

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 11:24):

make a bug report with a single bug in it

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 11:24):

then fixes for the bug can close the issue

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 17:38):

Some more info regarding this issue: In the following example

example (n : Nat) : True := by
  induction n with

There is actually an error being thrown from induction, to wit invalid alternative name '[anonymous]', but apparently errors during tactic evaluation are suppressed in the event of a parse error, so the only error you see is unexpected end of input. Is this deliberate @Sebastian Ullrich ?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 17:39):

In this case, because of the error, only half of the info tree data has been set up and so the tactic state ends up missing

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 17:41):

this error message is visible using set_option trace.Elab.tactic.backtrack true

Kyle Miller (Nov 15 2023 at 17:46):

Let's understand lean4#2876 to be a user experience issue. It's definitely not a good user experience, and the two issues are intertwined (and not separable unless you're someone like Mario who knows how induction is implemented).

Kyle Miller (Nov 15 2023 at 17:47):

We can create separate issues that speak to the underlying technical problems if needed.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 17:58):

lean4#2885 fixes induction so that induction n with, induction n with | and induction n with done all leave approximately the same info tree results (meaning that with your cursor on with the original goal is still visible rather than no goals)

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 18:25):

I am guessing zero_alt will be necessary for induction to show the cases in the infoview

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 18:47):

I can try to make this PR since it is a small change (a ,+ becomes ,*). It could be my first PR to lean4 proper. I am worried about the consequences of the other change, adding colGt to inductionAlt for proofs

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 18:49):

I'll make the PR after dinner if you agree

Mario Carneiro (Nov 15 2023 at 19:00):

it won't be as small a change as you are thinking, because of code like the one I linked above. The induction tactic assumes that no alts = induction x and induction x with ... has 1+ alts

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 15 2023 at 19:08):

Okay, then it's a better learning experience

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC