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Stream: lean4
Topic: Eta-expansion using Lean.Meta.transform
Joachim Breitner (Nov 17 2023 at 10:59):
Here is a little puzzle: Using docs#Lean.Meta.transform, given a function name f
, eta-expand every occurrence of fn
that does not already have two arguments.
This means to also eta expand a single f
as in (id f)
. But it seems neither with pre
nor with post
, when looking at a .const f
, I can easily tell whether it is part of an application (and my not need to be eta-expanded), or if it is really a lone occurrence (which I do have to eta-expand).
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2023 at 13:33):
You can do it at the cost of not being able to share the cache between nested invocations in some cases. in pre
, check if it is an application of fn
. If so, recursively call transform
on the arguments of fn
, eta expand if there are fewer than two arguments, and then return .done
. Otherwise return .continue
Joachim Breitner (Nov 17 2023 at 13:47):
Hmm, true, but not quite satisfying, due to the missed cache and loss of elegance. For now I just added a flag to transform
to not call post
twice on f a b
, I'll see if that's acceptable during code review.
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2023 at 13:49):
another possibility is to call transform.visit
directly and do the setup outside / in a transform.run
Kyle Miller (Nov 17 2023 at 17:50):
@Joachim Breitner Here's the mathlib implementation of eta expansion for the eta_expand
tactic: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/a2ca43e594f2f3d1ccbb2cf178fd5800abc61321//Mathlib/Tactic/DefEqTransformations.lean#L180
While I'm not sure the algorithm is completely correct, it uses transform
in the way Mario suggested.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC