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Stream: lean4

Topic: Exercise with universal quantifier

Isabel Dahlgren (Jun 28 2023 at 12:37):

Here's my attempt at the first problem from section 4 in Theorem Proving in Lean 4, using tactic mode.

example : ( x, p x  q x)  ( x, p x)  ( x, q x) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  . intro h
  . intro h

When I replace sorry by intro y, I get "tactic 'introN' failed, insufficient number of binders
". Any hints on how to proceed? Thanks. :pray:

Yaël Dillies (Jun 28 2023 at 12:38):

Use constructor

Yaël Dillies (Jun 28 2023 at 12:39):

The goal at this point is not a forall. It's something ∧ something_else, so it doesn't make sense to introduce a variable.

Isabel Dahlgren (Jun 28 2023 at 12:43):

That did it, thanks! :ok:

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 28 2023 at 13:17):

@Isabel Dahlgren When I was just starting out I made a tactic cheat sheet saying things like "if the goal is P ∧ Q then use constructor, and if you want to use a hypothesis h : P ∧ Q then do cases' h with hP hQ (and then a fair few more lines with other common Lean things like P → Q or ∃ x, P x etc).

Martin Dvořák (Jun 28 2023 at 13:31):

Lean 4 version: https://github.com/madvorak/lean4-cheatsheet/blob/main/lean-tactics.pdf

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC