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Stream: lean4

Topic: Expose thread management routines to FFI?

Schrodinger ZHU Yifan (Aug 26 2023 at 02:22):

@Mario Carneiro Sorry to bring up this again. I did not mention that in the group chat, so I am writing this to share my concerns.


Currently, thread-level initialization does not have C interfaces. This makes spawning or initializing lean threads infeasible in the FFI environment. I wonder if some or all of the following functions can be exposed:

namespace lean {
void initialize_thread();
void finalize_thread();

typedef void (*thread_finalizer)(void *); // NOLINT
void register_post_thread_finalizer(thread_finalizer fn, void * p);
void register_thread_finalizer(thread_finalizer fn, void * p);
void run_thread_finalizers();
void run_post_thread_finalizers();
void delete_thread_finalizer_manager();
bool in_thread_finalization();
void reset_thread_local();

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Let us say we want to run test cases for lean API bindings in Rust. Then, we actually need to provide a way to at least initialize the thread-local heaps. Otherwise, it can be really hard to test such functions in parallel.

Another way to workaround this is to only expose APIs to spawn a lean task/thread. If one wants to run anything in a foreign language (assuming lean_initialize is called), the user spawns a thread/task to run it; but this method itself is heavy and less customizable.

Henrik Böving (Aug 26 2023 at 10:48):

The thread API isnt meant for public consumption. A task is completely different from a thread. Tasks are scheduled on a thread pool and do not get preempted by other tasks in their execution. So if you have 8 tasks running and they are just all doing say a heavy computation all of the other tasks will starve.

I didn't try this yet but the task API is linked into lean via @extern, is it not already callable from FFI? If it isnt then we probably should make it so.

(That said I believe that the behavior of the current task implementation is not a very nice concurrency primitive at all but that's just my opinion)

Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2023 at 10:49):

this is about threads, not tasks

Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2023 at 10:49):

the issue is that there are some thread locals that can't be initialized from a thread which was not created by lean (and these thread locals are necessary for the lean allocator to work, so you can't call any lean code on the thread otherwise)

Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2023 at 10:50):

currently lean_initialize() is exposed but not lean_thread_initialize()

Henrik Böving (Aug 26 2023 at 10:50):

But why would the FFI want to spawn a lean thread in the first place if tasks are supposed to be the primitive?

Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2023 at 10:51):

it's not spawning a lean thread

Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2023 at 10:51):

it's running lean code on a pre-existing thread (which was spawned by not-lean)

Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2023 at 10:56):

Also, I don't think lean has jurisdiction over what a "primitive" is when interacting over FFI. If you are e.g. linking to curl, you can't just tell it not to use threads

Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2023 at 11:00):

I'm pretty sure the current set of exposed functions was just a historical accident of what was actually used in FFI projects thus far. I mean, initialize is exposed but finalize isn't, this makes no sense

Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2023 at 11:57):


Schrodinger ZHU Yifan (Aug 26 2023 at 18:43):

For instance,

    fn type_with_allocations() {
        for x in 0..10 {
            for y in 0xFFFFFFE0..0xFFFFFFFF {
                for z in 0..64 {
                    let closure = lean_closure! {
                        [x : usize, y : usize] | z : usize | -> usize {
                        (x * y) ^ z
                    }}; // this closure is a  wrapper around `*mut lean_object`.
                    let res: usize = closure.invoke(1 << z);
                    assert_eq!(res, (x * y) ^ (1 << z))

One may want to write test cases in Rust involving allocations in lean routines. In order for this to work, the thread-local heap (local pages) must be initialized.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC