Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: Extended /-" strings "-/

Eric Wieser (Oct 11 2023 at 21:58):

In Lean3, we had an extended string notation that allowed things like

#eval /-"<a href="#">The quotes in here are fine</a>"-/

which not only allows unescaped quotes within the /- -/, but also gives html syntax highlighting.
This is a bit like pythons """ triple "quoted" strings"""

Does Lean4 have any analogous string literals? Or do I have no choice but to escape all my inner "s?

Patrick Massot (Oct 11 2023 at 22:04):

See previous discussion starting at https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Macro.20for.20testing.20error.20messages/near/278412091

Eric Wieser (Oct 11 2023 at 22:05):


Patrick Massot (Oct 11 2023 at 22:06):

And I would also love to see this in Lean 4.

James Gallicchio (Oct 11 2023 at 22:16):

most important message from linked discussion:
Sebastian Ullrich said:

I created a separate issue at least: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/1422
Feel free to upvote important issues I'd say, we could use that for prioritization

it's already the most upvoted feature that isn't mathlib high priority, but more thumbs is always good :P

Patrick Massot (Oct 11 2023 at 22:30):

Indeed I forgot about this issue but I upvoted at that time.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC