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Stream: lean4

Topic: Extract tactic sequence from symbol

Leni Aniva (Oct 16 2023 at 00:27):

Given a symbol in the environment, say funext, is there a way to retrieve the sequence of tactics that was used to prove it?

theorem funext {α : Sort u} {β : α  Sort v} {f g : (x : α)  β x}
    (h :  x, f x = g x) : f = g := by
  let eqv (f g : (x : α)  β x) :=  x, f x = g x
  let extfunApp (f : Quot eqv) (x : α) : β x :=
    Quot.liftOn f
      (fun (f :  (x : α), β x) => f x)
      (fun _ _ h => h x)
  show extfunApp (Quot.mk eqv f) = extfunApp (Quot.mk eqv g)
  exact congrArg extfunApp (Quot.sound h)

The expression which fulfills the type of funext can be extracted from Environment.constMap, but there is no way to obtain the list of tactics.

I suspect that I would need to tap into the kernel and direct it to parse the source file to find out about the sequence of tactics. Is there a relevant function that does this?

Scott Morrison (Oct 16 2023 at 01:24):

The full syntax is stored in InfoTree, which you need to go hold of from somewhere. There are examples of processing declarations and doing various things with the Syntax in https://github.com/semorrison/lean-training-data. In particular, if you don't mind recompiling the file that contains the declaration you're interested in, the Frontend.lean in that repository will give you everything you could ask for (Syntax for each declaration, etc).

Patrick Massot (Oct 16 2023 at 01:43):

Another program doing that is LeanInk.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC