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Stream: lean4

Topic: Failure to elab a match statement in a command

Michael Jam (Jun 06 2022 at 08:44):

I am trying to compile and add a function definition to the environment, from a command. That definition contains a match statement.
However it silently fails to compile my definition and I don't know how to investigate the error.
Here is a mwe :

import Lean
open Lean Elab Command Term Meta

inductive I where
  | c1

def f1 : Nat :=
match I.c1 with
  | I.c1 => Nat.zero
#print f1

def gen_f2 : CommandElabM Unit := do
  let type <- termStxToExpr .none <| <- `(Nat)
  let val <- termStxToExpr (.some type) <| <- `(
    match I.c1 with
      | I.c1 => Nat.zero
  let decl := Declaration.defnDecl <| mkDefinitionValEx `f2 [] type val .opaque .safe
  match (<- getEnv).addAndCompile {} decl with
  | .error e => throwError (e.toMessageData {})
  | .ok env => setEnv env
    termStxToExpr (expectedType? : Option Expr) (stx : Syntax) :=
      elabTerm stx expectedType? |> TermElabM.run' |> MetaM.run' |> liftCoreM

elab "gen_f2" : command => gen_f2
-- set_option trace.Elab true
#print f2

The code doesn't fail to compile but #print f2 says:

def f2 : Nat :=
let _discr := I.c1;
sorryAx Nat

When I expect it to show the same as #print f1 which says:

def f1 : Nat :=
match I.c1 with
| I.c1 => Nat.zero

The issue here seems to happen when converting the match syntax to an Expr but I'm not sure.

What I'm really trying to do behind that mwe is to implement an attribute that automatically generates the .rec implementation of an inductive type. For some reason .rec has no implementation whereas match has one, to me it's really weird because as I see it, everything should be defined from .rec.

Thanks for suggestions

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 06 2022 at 11:12):

I do get an error message at gen_f2

auxiliary declaration cannot be created when declaration name is not available

Use liftTermElabM

    termStxToExpr (expectedType? : Option Expr) (stx : Syntax) :=
      elabTerm stx expectedType? |> liftTermElabM `f2

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 06 2022 at 11:13):

For some reason .rec has no implementation whereas match has one, to me it's really weird because as I see it, everything should be defined from .rec.

That may be true for the core language, but for code generation going through rec is awkward, especially for well-founded recursion

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC