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Stream: lean4

Topic: Finset.prod_add decidability diamond

Arend Mellendijk (Jul 10 2023 at 14:55):

I have this lemma I want to use that involves a Finset.sdiff of natural numbers. I'm running into the issue that it automatically uses that constructive Nat equality decidability instance. Is there some magic incantation I can write to make sure it uses the classical instance?

import Mathlib.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunction
open Classical
open scoped Classical

theorem prod_compl_factors {n : } (hn : Squarefree n) {t : Finset } (ht : t  n.factors.toFinset) :
     a in (n.factors.toFinset \ t), a = n / ( a in t, a) := by

Sebastien Gouezel (Jul 10 2023 at 15:04):

Normally, you should let Lean use the decidability instance it likes. Why is it an issue for you if it uses the Nat one?

Arend Mellendijk (Jul 10 2023 at 15:15):

I'm using docs#Finset.prod_add, which holds in more generality and hence uses the classical instance, and I can't make the two results fit together because of the different instances. Specifically, the only difference between those two expressions at the end are decidibility instances, as far as I can tell.

import Mathlib.NumberTheory.ArithmeticFunction

open Nat.ArithmeticFunction Classical
open scoped BigOperators Classical

theorem divisors_filter_squarefree_of_squarefree (n : ) (hn : Squarefree n) :
    n.divisors.filter Squarefree = n.divisors := sorry

theorem prod_subset_factors_of_mult {R : Type _} [CommSemiring R] (f : Nat.ArithmeticFunction R)
  (h_mult : Nat.ArithmeticFunction.IsMultiplicative f) (l : )
  (t : Finset ) (ht : t  l.factors.toFinset) :
     a :  in t, f a = f ( a in t, a) := sorry

theorem prod_compl_factors {n : } (hn : Squarefree n) {t : Finset } (ht : t  n.factors.toFinset) :
     a in (n.factors.toFinset \ t), a = n / ( a in t, a) := by

theorem mul_eq_mul {a b c d : α} [Mul α] (h0 : a = c) (h1 : b = d) : a*b=c*d := by
  rw [h0, h1]

theorem prod_add_mult' {R : Type _} [CommSemiring R] (f g : Nat.ArithmeticFunction R) (hf : IsMultiplicative f) (hg : IsMultiplicative g)
  (n : ) (hn : Squarefree n) :
     p in n.factors.toFinset, (f p + g p) = (f * g) n := by

  rw [Finset.prod_add, mul_apply, Nat.sum_divisorsAntidiagonal (f:= λ x y => f x * g y),
    divisors_filter_squarefree_of_squarefree _ hn, Nat.sum_divisors_filter_squarefree $ Squarefree.ne_zero hn,
  apply Finset.sum_congr rfl
  intro t ht
  erw [Finset.prod_val]
  unfold _root_.id
  erw [prod_compl_factors hn (Finset.mem_powerset.mp ht),
    prod_subset_factors_of_mult _ hf n t (Finset.mem_powerset.mp ht),
    prod_subset_factors_of_mult _ hg n (_ \ t) (Finset.sdiff_subset _ t) ]

  apply mul_eq_mul rfl
  apply Finset.prod_congr _ (fun _ _=> rfl)
  type mismatch
  has type
    HEq ?m.6889 ?m.6889 : Prop
  but is expected to have type
    List.toFinset (Nat.factors n) \ t = List.toFinset (Nat.factors n) \ t : Prop

Yaël Dillies (Jul 10 2023 at 16:03):

That means Finset.prod_add is miswritten. It should be about any decidability instance, not just the classical one.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2023 at 16:07):


Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2023 at 16:10):

Yeah Yaël is right. If you look at the source then there's an open Classical just before it

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 10 2023 at 16:11):

There was a time when the community had not properly understood how to handle these sorts of issues and perhaps this is left over from that time.

Arend Mellendijk (Jul 10 2023 at 18:00):


Arend Mellendijk (Jul 10 2023 at 18:00):

This'll have to wait until after the port

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC