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Stream: lean4
Topic: Forall vs. if-then
Dan Velleman (Sep 17 2022 at 12:53):
Consider this example:
example : ∀ (n : Nat), ¬ ∃ (x : Fin n), x ≠ x := by
In the tactic state, the goal is shown as ℕ → ¬∃ x, x ≠ x
. I have said before that I don't really like the algorithm that is used to distinguish between "forall" and "if-then," but in this case I'm really puzzled. I assumed that what was being used was Lean.Expr.isArrow
, which checks to see if the body of the forallE
has loose bound variables. Well, in this case the body does have a loose bound variable, namely the reference to n
in Fin n
. So why is this displayed using an arrow rather than a universal quantifier?
Gabriel Ebner (Sep 17 2022 at 13:24):
This is actually a pretty-printing bug... →
is always non-dependent, while the specific ∀
here is dependent.
Gabriel Ebner (Sep 17 2022 at 13:25):
Please file an issue.
Gabriel Ebner (Sep 17 2022 at 13:25):
The following would be a valid use of →
by the pretty-printer though:
#check ∀ n : Nat, ¬∃ x : Nat, x ≠ x
Gabriel Ebner (Sep 17 2022 at 13:26):
Ultimately this boils down to the underlying type theory; both implication and forall are represented as Expr.forallE
. So the pretty-printer needs to make a choice whether to show the .forallE
as an implication or a forall.
Dan Velleman (Sep 17 2022 at 15:13):
OK, I'll file an issue.
Yes, I understand that implication and forall are both represented as forallE
. In my opinion, the pretty-printer algorithm should be changed. For an expression forallE name type body binderinfo
that has type Prop
, I think that if the type of type
is not Prop
then, even if body
has no loose bvars, the expression should be displayed with a universal quantifier. In logic, it is not uncommon to have "vacuous quantifiers" like ∀ x : Nat, p
. I understand that, to Lean, this is the same as Nat → p
, but that's not how any mathematician would write it. For expressions of other types, the current algorithm makes sense. But if an expression has type Prop
, then in my opinion it should be displayed so that it looks like a proposition. And that means the arrow should mean "implies", and therefore it should only be used if what's on the left is a proposition.
Kevin Buzzard (Sep 17 2022 at 17:07):
+1 for "Nat -> p looks weird to mathematicians"
Kevin Buzzard (Sep 17 2022 at 17:08):
On the other hand, it would be a bit weird to have a nat and then a prop which didn't depend on it ...
Kyle Miller (Sep 17 2022 at 17:52):
@Kevin Buzzard Sometimes these non-dependent foralls arise incidentally to rewrites (for example, if you have ∀ (n : ℕ), 1 ≤ f n
and make use of ∀ (n : ℕ), f n = 37
). I imagine you've had students become confused when their foralls turn into functions. There at least have been occasional questions on #new members about this.
Dan Velleman (Sep 19 2022 at 15:17):
I agree with @Kyle Miller that non-dependent foralls arise naturally in math. They also arise in formal logic. For example, there is a rule of logic that says that forall distributes over and: ∀ x, P ∧ Q
is equivalent to (∀ x, P) ∧ (∀ x, Q)
. One would want to be able to apply this rule even in cases in which P
is a statement about x
but Q
doesn't mention x
. It would certainly be awkward to have separate versions of the rule depending on whether both P
and Q
mention x
or only one of them does.
Here's a related point. Consider this example:
example (p1 : Nat → Type) (p2 : Nat → Prop) (h1 : ∀ n : Nat, p1 n) (h2 : ∀ n : Nat, p2 n) : True := by
In the tactic state, the type of h1
is displayed as (n : ℕ) → p1 n
, and the type of h2
is ∀ (n : ℕ), p2 n
. So it appears that there is a precedent for displaying expressions of type Prop
differently from expressions of other types. The difference here makes sense to me: h2
is best thought of as a universally quantified statement, but h1
is best thought of as a function type. I think a similar principle applies to the case of ∀ n : Nat, p
. If p
is a proposition, then this is best thought of as a universally quantified statement (even though p
doesn't refer to n
), but if p
is not a proposition then it makes sense to think of the expression as representing the type Nat → p
Would there be a down side to making this change?
Kyle Miller (Sep 19 2022 at 18:13):
@Dan Velleman A couple days ago I experimented with making the change for Lean 3, and it was relatively straightforward. There didn't seem to be any downsides that surfaced through the test suite. (I just uploaded it: lean#770, and look at in particular pp_forall.lean
for some tests.)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC