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Stream: lean4

Topic: Forall x not in

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 15:52):

In Lean 3 we could write

variables (s : set nat) (x : nat)

#check  x  s, true

(without any import!). In Lean 4, even importing all of Mathlib is not enough

import Mathlib

variable (s : Set Nat) (x : Nat)

#check  x  s, True

Is this really missing?

Alex J. Best (Oct 26 2023 at 16:06):

yes looks that way, but its easy to add

import Mathlib

variable (s : Set Nat) (x : Nat)

binder_predicate x " ∉ " y:term => `($x  $y)

#check  x  s, True

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 16:08):

Thanks Alex, but I think this isn't enough. It will be missing in delaborators.

Alex J. Best (Oct 26 2023 at 16:11):

Looks like that is more hardcoded yeah https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/8cd944d0aa56ccfd19573ab0199afe25b4431fee/Mathlib/Util/PiNotation.lean#L50

Alex J. Best (Oct 26 2023 at 16:12):

Oh but you wrote that 2 weeks ago?

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 16:12):

I know...

Yaël Dillies (Oct 26 2023 at 16:17):

Surely that's covered by @Kyle Miller's binder elaboration suite?

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 16:26):

std4#323 @Mario Carneiro

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 16:28):

By the way Mario, are you interested in having this file in Std? I could add it to the above PR, updating it for new binders.

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 16:28):

Remember you said two weeks ago that this file was good enough for Mathlib until you'll redo it better.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2023 at 16:29):

nope, for one thing it will require a lot more review than the PR you just sent, and for another I will probably push to do it the right way if you do so it will probably take a while

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2023 at 16:30):

this is besides the part where I'm not sure we want pi notation, given it was removed from core

Eric Wieser (Oct 26 2023 at 16:32):

Presumably we could split that file in two, and Std could gain the bit that uses the extended binders on forall?

Eric Wieser (Oct 26 2023 at 16:32):

(or at least, exists_delab)

Mario Carneiro (Oct 26 2023 at 16:33):

yes I think a piece of that file, suitably rewritten, is appropriate for std

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 16:56):

Oh no,

variable (x : Nat) (s : Set Nat)

#check x  s

already fails to use the notation.

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 16:58):

Is there an easy way to find which delaborator is used? Say I notice that #check 0 ≠ 1 and I want to see which delaborator was used so that I can copy-paste it.

Alex J. Best (Oct 26 2023 at 17:33):

Ne is its own def though, so probably just using the default app unexpander for applications (https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/6c5f79c0df01e9cd74ac4ee411ec392a5ac1b5d3/src/Lean/Elab/Notation.lean#L81), so I'm not sure this would apply in the same way for not in out of the box

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 17:38):

I managed to write in only half an hour:

open Lean Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator
@[delab app.Not] def delab_not_in := whenPPOption Lean.getPPNotation do
  let #[f] := ( SubExpr.getExpr).getAppArgs | failure
  unless f.getAppFn matches .const `Membership.mem _ do failure
  let stx₁  SubExpr.withAppArg <| SubExpr.withNaryArg 3 delab
  let stx₂  SubExpr.withAppArg <| SubExpr.withNaryArg 4 delab
  return  `($stx₁  $stx₂)

I think I deserve some lunch.

Patrick Massot (Oct 26 2023 at 18:18):

I "quickly" created #7964 before lunch.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC