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Stream: lean4

Topic: Gitpod

Jeremy Avigad (Nov 02 2022 at 01:00):

Does anyone have a best practice guideline for using Lean 4 with Gitpod? This used to work:
But now it gives the message:

info: downloading component 'lean'
error: binary package was not provided for 'linux'

I can fix it by typing elan self update and then lake build in the terminal and then restarting the server. But if I try adding lean self update to the init portion of the .yml file, it doesn't work.

As a fallback, I suppose I can delete the line that fetches elan and let the Lean 4 extension do it. But it would be nice to do lake build in the init section, because Gitpod will prebuild the image with that and make loading faster.

Jeremy Avigad (Nov 02 2022 at 01:10):

Update: updating elan in the Dockerfile (instead of the yml file) seems to have done the trick! So, never mind (unless someone has a better solution).

Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 02 2022 at 08:53):

Any change to the Dockerfile probably would have been sufficient because it would invalidate the cached image. You can also do so manually without editing the file, https://www.gitpod.io/docs/configure/workspaces/workspace-image#manually-rebuild-a-workspace-image

Bolton Bailey (Nov 02 2022 at 10:40):

Wanting to get a little experience with Lean 4, I recently watched Scott's tutorial on porting things to Lean 4. I started following the instructions but I stopped when it got to the point where I had to actually install Lean 4, because it was telling me I would have to update elan, and I was afraid that would interfere with my Rosetta installation of elan. Is there a way of working on mathlib4 through Gitpod?

Bolton Bailey (Nov 02 2022 at 10:51):

Is there a reason that video is unlisted by the way @Scott Morrison ? I thought it was a good tutorial on the porting process.

Scott Morrison (Nov 02 2022 at 10:53):

Only that it seemed likely to quickly become outdated. I don't mind if it is switched to public so people can find it on the leanprover-community YouTube page. I'm away from a computer at that moment but if I remember tomorrow I'll change the setting.

Matthew Ballard (Nov 02 2022 at 11:15):

I’ve found packing more instructions in the Dockerfile than in the bespoke config files (either GitPod or Codespaces) to generally be better.

Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 02 2022 at 11:27):

Bolton Bailey said:

because it was telling me I would have to update elan, and I was afraid that would interfere with my Rosetta installation of elan

I'm not aware of anything that could go wrong with that fwiw. You should not need a second elan.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC