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Stream: lean4
Topic: Help representing a system
Jesse Slater (Jan 11 2023 at 15:27):
I am trying to figure out the best way to represent a system. I am currently representing it with Nat x Nat, but (0, 0) is invalid. I am getting around that by just assuming in all of my theorems that the state is not (0,0). Is there any better way I could represent the system to avoid this? In the future I will generalize this to more dimensions, and I will likely end up having more invalid states, but it will always be a small finite number. Is there a good way to represent this more general case??
Eric Wieser (Jan 11 2023 at 15:38):
You could represent your system with a docs4#Subtype, but that's essentially the same as your current approach of passing around a proof that the state is not zero. All that changes is you now you pass it around in one argument instead of two.
Chris Bailey (Jan 11 2023 at 22:01):
Sometimes it's convenient to make your own subtype, as in Fin
structure MyState where
x : Nat
y : Nat
hx : 0 < x
hy : 0 < y
Chris Bailey (Jan 11 2023 at 22:03):
You might also get some inspiration from the std definition of RBMap, where they have a base type and then a subtype using an inductive prop to describe the well-formed states.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC