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Topic: How is Nat.below and Nat.brecOn compiled

Joachim Breitner (Oct 22 2023 at 11:44):

When I elaborate a function using structural recursion, like in

def foo : Nat  Bool
 | 0 => true
 | n+1 => foo n

#print foo

I see it’s using Nat.brecOn to compile it:

def foo : Nat  Bool :=
fun x =>
  Nat.brecOn x fun x f =>
    (match (motive := (x : Nat)  Nat.below x  Bool) x with
      | 0 => fun x => true
      | Nat.succ n => fun x => x.fst.fst)

The argument of Nat.brecOn here is (n : Nat) → Nat.below n → Bool, and @Nat.below motive n is a dependent vector of size n, (inductively defined and isomorphic to (i : Fin n) → motive i).

This looks like it would perform memoization, if the Nat.below n argument contains all the various for i < n, but it doesn't seem to be compiled that way.

So I wonder: How does the compiler turn the x.fst.fst into a normal recursive function calls? And why go through this detour in the first place?

(RTFM with pointers are welcome too :-))

Joachim Breitner (Oct 22 2023 at 12:34):

I may be able to answer the “why”: This way function definitions that are not just primitively recursive can be expressed using this kind of structural recursion, e.g. the typical fib function

def fib : Nat  Bool
 | 0 => true
 | 1 => true
 | n+2 => fib n && fib (n + 1)

#print fib

doesn't need to resort to well-founded recursion.

Joachim Breitner (Oct 22 2023 at 12:39):

Ok, and the answer of “how is it compiled” might simply be “not at all”. If I manually write a function using Nat.brecOn in a way that I might try to tease the code generator with, like

def sum_below : (n : Nat)  @Nat.below (fun _ => Nat) n  Nat
  | 0, .unit => 0
  | n+1, ⟨⟨i, b⟩, .unit => i + sum_below n b

def foo (n : Nat) : Nat :=
  Nat.brecOn (motive := fun _ => Nat) 0 sum_below

which would look at _all_ the previous values in the Nat.below, it says

code generator does not support recursor 'Nat.brecOn' yet, consider using 'match ... with' and/or structural recursion

So I conclude that the input to the code generator is _not_ the form I see with #print, with recursion replaced with Nat.brecOn, but some earlier, not-yet-elaborated-to-recursers-form of the function definition? Is that correct?

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 22 2023 at 14:36):

Yes, that is exactly right. And the potentially unexpected memoization from brecOn that would otherwise happen is one of the and perhaps the main reason for that.

Joachim Breitner (Oct 22 2023 at 15:00):

Thanks! What is the “earlier, not-yet-elaborated” form that is then compiled?

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 22 2023 at 15:03):

Just a direct recursive call, which the compiler understands in contrast to the kernel

Joachim Breitner (Oct 22 2023 at 18:51):

Browsing the code a bit it seems that “earlier” state, where recursion is still explicit, is a PreDefinition and addPreDefinitions in src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/Main.lean tries various strategies to turn this into a Declaration with recursers which can be added to the environment.

For example in def structuralRecursion then it produces a preDefNonRec which is added to the kernel’s environment with addNonRec, and it also produces a let preDef ← eraseRecAppSyntax preDefs[0]! with arbitrary recursion, which is compiled using addAndCompilePartialRec #[preDef].
Oddly, addAndCompilePartialRec via addAndCompileUnsafe calls eraseRecAppSyntax, but why not, doppelt hält besser.
addAndCompileUnsafe creates a Declaration.mutualDefnDecl, which I understand can be compiled. I am a bit surprised that this declaration (which the kernel can’t handle, can it) is still passed to addDecl decl

Ok, that goes into C++ land, and there it checks that mutual definitions are always partial or unsafe… makes sense.
But why is there no name clash now between the recurser-based non-recursive definition, and the mutually recursive one, when both are added to the environment? Does one of them get a mangled name?

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 22 2023 at 20:12):

I believe mutualDefnDecl is used basically by the compiler only, so there is no interaction or clash with defnDecls

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC