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Stream: lean4

Topic: How to add user attributes?

François G. Dorais (Jan 24 2021 at 00:17):

I've been enjoying Lean 4 a great deal and I'm really impressed by the powerful macro system which has so far helped me delay learning more about the deeper parts of Lean 4 metaprogramming. However, there are some things that are beyond the macro system. I know the docs aren't ready yet and I'm generally happy to wait... but Lean 4 is so exciting!

Perhaps this is not a wise place to get started learning about using the Lean 4 monads, but I thought I'd ask since I couldn't find any examples in the tests or elsewhere and there's a similar thing I want to do to port some old Lean 3 code. Let's say I want to add a simple tag attribute called tellMeYourName such that

@[tellMeYourName] def blah := 0

prints out "My name is blah" (or some other inconsequential but observable action). How would I go about doing that in Lean 4?

Leonardo de Moura (Jan 25 2021 at 04:12):

Users will be able to define their own attributes. However, the attribute API is still changing. We will document and add examples as soon as it is stable.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 10 2021 at 17:47):

Now that env extensions have landed, my understanding is that user attributes are now possible, but I could really use a usage example. This isn't working for me:

import Lean
open Lean

syntax (name := foo) "foo " ident : attr

initialize fooRef : IO.Ref (Array (Name × Name))  IO.mkRef #[]

def fooAttr : AttributeImpl where
  name := `foo
  descr := "foo"
  | declName, stx, attrKind => do
    fooRef.modify fun foos => foos.push (declName, stx.isNameLit?.get!)

#eval show CoreM Unit from do
  match registerAttributeOfDecl ( getEnv) ( getOptions) ``fooAttr with
  | Except.ok env => setEnv env
  | Except.error e => throwError e


import Test.A -- unknown declaration 'fooAttr'
@[foo bar] def baz := 1

Daniel Selsam (Aug 10 2021 at 18:01):

I haven't double-checked that this works, but FYI @Jannis Limperg implemented this here: https://github.com/JLimperg/aesop/blob/master/Aesop/Config.lean#L370-L396

Leonardo de Moura (Aug 10 2021 at 19:18):

You have to use the initialize command. We have examples here
It is part of our test suite, and it is being tested on all platforms by the CI.
Other relevant examples for user extensions

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC