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Stream: lean4

Topic: How to import notations?

Joey Eremondi (Nov 03 2023 at 11:59):

Is there something special I have to do to import notations defined in another file? I'm in a situation where I've got a notation defined, using the original version works fine, using the notation in the original file works fine, but using the notation in another file gives expected token.

Specifically, I've defined here: https://github.com/JoeyEremondi/lean-cwf/blob/main/LeanCwf/CwF.lean#L149

And I'm trying to use it here: https://github.com/JoeyEremondi/lean-cwf/blob/main/LeanCwf/CwF.lean#L149

I suspect I'm missing something obvious but I'm pretty stuck.

Alex J. Best (Nov 03 2023 at 12:52):

It should just work. In fact after some time I managed to get your project working and it does work for me. But you haven't committed the lean-toolchain file or the lake-manifest.json so I could well be using a different lean/dependencies than you. (also you should make sure the capitalization of the project is consistent, LeanCwF in Pi.lean should be LeanCwf to work properly)

Joey Eremondi (Nov 03 2023 at 13:49):

Ahh I feel dumb, the capital letter was indeed the problem, thanks

Joey Eremondi (Nov 03 2023 at 13:55):

Odd that it didn't give a "not found" error on the import, though

Alex J. Best (Nov 03 2023 at 13:58):

Perhaps there were some left over build files from an old version in your directiory? I definitely got not found errors when I tried it

Mario Carneiro (Nov 03 2023 at 19:14):

It only works on case insensitive filesystems

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC