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Stream: lean4

Topic: How to prove properties about monad operations?

Nicolas Rouquette (Dec 31 2022 at 01:03):

Now that I'm more confortable composing monad operations, I would like to proove some properties of such compositions. I'm aware that this is probably jumping ahead of @David Thrane Christiansen's section 8 so I made an MWE to precisely illustrate the problem:

import Lean.Data.HashMap
import Lean.Data.HashSet

instance [BEq α] [Hashable α] [Repr α]: Repr (Lean.HashSet α) where
  reprPrec h n := h.toList.repr n

instance [BEq α] [Hashable α] [Repr (α × β)]: Repr (Lean.HashMap α β) where
  reprPrec h n := h.toList.repr n

namespace MWE

inductive «Entity» where
  | aspect
    (name: String)
    («specializations»: List String := List.nil)
  | concept
    (name: String)
    («specializations»: List String := List.nil)
  deriving Repr

def «Entity».name (e: «Entity»): String :=
  match e with
  | .aspect n _ => n
  | .concept n _ => n

def «Entity».«specializations» (e: «Entity»): List String :=
  match e with
  | .aspect _ s => s
  | .concept _ s => s

class «Vocabulary»where
  «ownedStatements»: List «Entity»
  deriving Repr

def v : «Vocabulary» := {
  ownedStatements := [
    «Entity».aspect "base:Container",
    «Entity».concept "mission:Component" [ "base:Container" ]

inductive RDeclarationKind where
  | rAspect
  | rConcept
  deriving BEq, Repr

def «Entity».toKind (e: «Entity»): RDeclarationKind :=
  match e with
  | .aspect _ _   => .rAspect
  | .concept _ _  => .rConcept

inductive Exception where
  | error (message: String)
  deriving Repr

abbrev Names := Lean.HashSet String
abbrev Name2NamesMap := Lean.HashMap String Names

structure State where
  declarations : Lean.HashMap String RDeclarationKind := .empty
  aspectSpecializations : Name2NamesMap := .empty
  conceptSpecializations : Name2NamesMap := .empty
  deriving Repr

structure Context where
  vocabularies: List «Vocabulary» := .nil
  deriving Repr

abbrev MCore := EStateM Exception State
abbrev M     := ReaderT Context MCore

def EStateM.Result.getState (r: EStateM.Result Exception State α): State :=
  match r with
  | EStateM.Result.ok _ s => s
  | _ => {}

def State.appendSpecializations
  (d: String) (dts: List RDeclarationKind)
  (ds: List String)
  (coll: State  Name2NamesMap)
  (update: State  String  Names  State)
  : M Unit := do
  let s  get
  match s.declarations.find? d with
  | some k =>
    if dts.contains k then
      let rds : Names := (coll s).findD d .empty
      let merged : Names := ds.foldl .insert rds
      let s' : State := update s d merged
      set s'
      pure ()
      throw (Exception.error s!"Error: appendSpecializations: {repr d} is registered as a {repr k}, not one of {repr dts}.")
  | none =>
    throw (Exception.error s!"Error: appendSpecializations: there is no registered {repr dts}: {repr d} to append specializations to.")

def State.updateAspectSpecializations (s: State) (d: String) (ds: Names): State :=
  { s with aspectSpecializations := s.aspectSpecializations.insert d ds }

def State.appendAspectSpecializations (a: String) (as: List String): M Unit := do
  appendSpecializations a [ .rAspect ] as State.aspectSpecializations State.updateAspectSpecializations

def State.updateConceptSpecializations (s: State) (d: String) (ds: Names): State :=
  { s with conceptSpecializations := s.conceptSpecializations.insert d ds }

def State.appendConceptSpecializations (c: String) (cs: List String): M Unit := do
  appendSpecializations c [ .rAspect, .rConcept ] cs State.conceptSpecializations State.updateConceptSpecializations

def validateStatementDeclaration (e: «Entity»): M Unit := do
  let s  get
  match s.declarations.find? e.name with
  | some ek =>
    throw (Exception.error s!"Error: declaration conflict: {repr e} is already registered as a {repr ek}.")
  | none =>
    let s := { s with declarations := s.declarations.insert e.name e.toKind }
    set s
    pure ()

def validateVocabularyStatementDeclarations: M Unit := do
  for v in ( read).vocabularies do
    for e in v.ownedStatements do
      validateStatementDeclaration e

def validateVocabularySpecialization (e: «Entity»): M Unit := do
  let s  get
  match s.declarations.find? e.name with
  | some ek =>
    if ek == e.toKind then
      match ek with
      | .rAspect =>
        State.appendAspectSpecializations e.name e.specializations
      | .rConcept =>
        State.appendConceptSpecializations e.name e.specializations
      throw (Exception.error s!"Error: declaration inconsistency: {repr e} is registered as a {repr ek}, not a {repr e.toKind}.")
  | none =>
    pure ()

def validateVocabularySpecializations: M Unit := do
  for v in ( read).vocabularies do
    for e in v.ownedStatements do
      validateVocabularySpecialization e

def c0 : Context := { vocabularies := [v] }

def s0 : State := {}

def s1 : State := EStateM.Result.getState (validateVocabularyStatementDeclarations |>.run c0 |>.run s0)
#eval s1
-- { declarations := [("base:Container", MWE.RDeclarationKind.rAspect),
--                    ("mission:Component", MWE.RDeclarationKind.rConcept)],
--   aspectSpecializations := [],
--   conceptSpecializations := [] }

def s2 : State := EStateM.Result.getState (validateVocabularySpecializations |>.run c0 |>.run s1)
#eval s2
-- { declarations := [("base:Container", MWE.RDeclarationKind.rAspect),
--                    ("mission:Component", MWE.RDeclarationKind.rConcept)],
--   aspectSpecializations := [("base:Container", [])],
--   conceptSpecializations := [("mission:Component", ["base:Container"])] }

-- All keys of the aspectSpecialization map must have a corresponding declaration as an rAspect
theorem AllAspectsSpecializationsKeysAreDeclared (s: State):
   a: String, s.aspectSpecializations.contains a  s.declarations.find? a == some .rAspect
:= by

-- All values of the aspectSpecialization map must have a corresponding declaration as an rAspect
theorem AllAspectsSpecializationsValuesAreDeclared (s: State) :
   (a: String) (sup : String), (s.aspectSpecializations.findD a .empty).contains sup  s.declarations.find? sup == some .rAspect
:= by

-- All keys of the conceptSpecializations map must have a corresponding declaration as an rConcept
theorem AllConceptSpecializationsKeysAreDeclared (s: State):
   a: String, s.conceptSpecializations.contains a  s.declarations.find? a == some .rConcept
:= by

-- All values of the conceptSpecializations map must have a corresponding declaration as an rAspect or rConcept
theorem AllConceptSpecializationsValuesAreDeclared (s: State) :
   (a: String) (sup : String), (s.conceptSpecializations.findD a .empty).contains sup 
    s.declarations.find? sup == some .rAspect || s.declarations.find? sup == some .rConcept
:= by
end MWE

In the above, s2 is a simple example of the State for which I would like to proove 4 theorems. However, I am not sure how to exploit properties of the monad operations and of their composition to do this.

For example, consider the first theorem, which I hope will be easy to proove:

-- All keys of the aspectSpecialization map must have a corresponding declaration as an rAspect
theorem AllAspectsSpecializationsKeysAreDeclared (s: State):
   a: String, s.aspectSpecializations.contains a  s.declarations.find? a == some .rAspect
:= by

Intuitively, it should follow from the composition of these two monad operations: validateVocabularyStatementDeclarations and validateVocabularySpecializations:

  • both operations iterate over the same Context of vocabularies and their ownedStatements.
  • the validation of statement declarations adds an entry in the State.declarations
  • the validation of statement specializations adds entries in the State.aspectSpecializations for the same keys as the previous step.

I hope that I've explained sufficiently clearly the problem and I'm open to suggestions.

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 02 2023 at 00:22):

The essence of the long MWE above can be reduced to this smaller MWE:

import Lean.Data.HashMap
import Lean.Data.HashSet
namespace MWE4

structure State where
  declarations: Lean.HashMap String (Lean.HashSet String)

-- all declaration values must be declaration keys
def State.wff: State  Bool := fun s => s.declarations.toList.all fun (_, xs) => xs.toList.all s.declarations.contains

def State.withDeclaration (s: State) (d: String) : State :=
  match s.declarations.contains d with
  | true => s
  | false => { s with declarations := s.declarations.insert d .empty }

def State.withSpecialization (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String): State :=
  let s := s.withDeclaration sup
  { s with declarations := s.declarations.insert sub ((s.declarations.findD sub .empty).insert sup) }

theorem State.withDeclarationWff (s: State) (d: String) : s.wff  (s.withDeclaration d).wff := sorry

theorem State.withSpecializationWff (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String): s.wff  (s.withSpecialization sub sup).wff := sorry

end MWE4

Looking at examples in Lean and the Std4 library, I realized that I should try to use inductive data types instead, so I reformulated the MWE using Std4, preserving the intent of the example:

import Std.Data.AssocList

namespace MWE5

abbrev Sups := Std.AssocList String Unit

structure State where
  declarations: Std.AssocList String Sups

-- all declaration values must be declaration keys
def State.wff: State  Prop :=
  fun s => s.declarations.all
    fun (_ sups) => sups.all
      fun (sup _) => s.declarations.contains sup

def State.withDeclaration (s: State) (d: String) : State :=
  match s.declarations.contains d with
  | true => s
  | false => { s with declarations := s.declarations.replace d .nil }

def State.withSpecialization (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String): State :=
  let s := s.withDeclaration sup
  let sups : Sups := match s.declarations.find? sub with
  | none => .nil
  | some x => x.replace sup ()
  { s with declarations := s.declarations.replace sub sups }

theorem State.withDeclarationWff (s: State) (d: String) : s.wff  (s.withDeclaration d).wff := sorry

theorem State.withSpecializationWff (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String): s.wff  (s.withSpecialization sub sup).wff := sorry

end MWE5

I have several questions about this:

1) I noticed that there are different ways to define well-formedness predicates as Bool vs. Prop.


It seems that one can use either form to define subtypes.
Is this difference a matter of proof writing style, or is there something more subtle going on?

2) Even though State is defined above in terms of inductive datatypes, it is not inductively defined.

It seems that this approach complicates writing proofs since we cannot use the cases tactic.
So, I suspect I must reformulate my MWE using an inductive datatype definition.

James Gallicchio (Jan 02 2023 at 00:59):

It seems that one can use either form to define subtypes.

Bool can be coerced to Prop (with true => True and false => False), so anywhere that expects a Prop you can also pass a Bool (including, e.g. the predicate for subtypes)

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 03 2023 at 00:38):

Thanks @James Gallicchio; I see that there's indeed a conversion:

instance boolToProp : Coe Bool Prop where
  coe b := Eq b true

I managed to proove a simple theorem about the data structure above; however, I'm getting stuck for others:

import Std.Data.AssocList

namespace MWE5

abbrev Strings := List String
abbrev Sups := Std.AssocList String Strings
instance : Repr Sups where reprPrec s n := s.toList.repr n

structure State where
  declarations: Std.AssocList String Strings := .nil
  deriving Repr

def State.empty: State := {}

-- all declaration values must be declaration keys
def State.wff: State  Bool :=
  fun s => s.declarations.all
    fun (_ sups) => sups.all
      fun sup => s.declarations.contains sup

def State.withDeclaration (s: State) (d: String) : State :=
  match s.declarations.contains d with
  | true => s
  | false => { s with declarations := s.declarations.cons d .nil }

def State.withSpecialization (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String): State :=
  let s := s.withDeclaration sub |>.withDeclaration sup
  let sups : Strings := match s.declarations.find? sub with
  | none => [sup]
  | some xs => if xs.contains sup then xs else xs.cons sup
  { s with declarations := s.declarations.replace sub sups }

theorem State.withDeclaration.noChange (s: State) (d: String) (h: s.declarations.contains d)
: s = s.withDeclaration d
:= by rw [State.withDeclaration, h]

theorem State.withDeclaration.added (s: State) (d: String) (h: !s.declarations.contains d)
: (s.withDeclaration d).declarations.contains d
:= by
  rw [State.withDeclaration]

theorem State.withDeclaration.wff (s: State) (d: String)
: s.wff  (s.withDeclaration d).wff
:= by
  simp [State.wff, State.withDeclaration, List.all, List.any]
  intro h

theorem State.withSpecialization.wff (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String)
: s.wff  (s.withSpecialization sub sup).wff
:= by
  simp [State.wff, State.withSpecialization, State.withDeclaration, List.all, List.any]
  intro h

def s0 : State := State.empty |>.withSpecialization "a" "b"
#eval s0

end MWE5

For the 2nd one, I am wondering how to simplify a nested expression in the goal; i.e.:

theorem State.withDeclaration.added (s: State) (d: String) (h: !s.declarations.contains d)
: (s.withDeclaration d).declarations.contains d
:= by
  rw [State.withDeclaration]

The tactic state before sorry shows:

s: State
d: String
h: (!Std.AssocList.contains d s.declarations) = true
 Std.AssocList.contains d
    (match Std.AssocList.contains d s.declarations with
      | true => s
      | false => { declarations := Std.AssocList.cons d [] s.declarations }).declarations =

Is there a trick to apply !h inside the goal and simplify the match expression?

For the last 2 theorems, I am wondering if I am on the right path.

Any suggestions?

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 03 2023 at 02:28):

I managed to make some progress, proving 3 theorems out of 7; any suggestions for the last 4?

import Std.Data.AssocList

namespace MWE5

abbrev Strings := List String
abbrev Sups := Std.AssocList String Strings
instance : Repr Sups where reprPrec s n := s.toList.repr n

structure State where
  declarations: Std.AssocList String Strings := .nil
  deriving Repr

def State.empty: State := {}

-- all declaration values must be declaration keys
def State.wff: State  Bool :=
  fun s => s.declarations.all
    fun (_ sups) => sups.all
      fun sup => s.declarations.contains sup

def State.withDeclaration (s: State) (d: String) : State :=
  match s.declarations.contains d with
  | true => s
  | false => { s with declarations := s.declarations.cons d .nil }

def State.withSpecialization (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String): State :=
  let s := s.withDeclaration sub |>.withDeclaration sup
  let sups : Strings := match s.declarations.find? sub with
  | none =>
    -- this case can never happen since sub has been declared.
  | some xs =>
    if xs.contains sup then xs else xs.cons sup
  { s with declarations := s.declarations.replace sub sups }

theorem State.withDeclaration.noChange (s: State) (d: String) (h: s.declarations.contains d)
: s = s.withDeclaration d
:= by rw [State.withDeclaration, h]

theorem State.withDeclaration.added1 (s: State) (d: String) (h: !s.declarations.contains d)
: (s.withDeclaration d).declarations.contains d
:= by
  rw [State.withDeclaration] at *
  simp [Std.AssocList.contains, List.any] at *
  simp [*] at *

theorem State.withDeclaration.added2 (s: State) (d: String) (h: !s.declarations.contains d)
: (s.withDeclaration d).declarations.find? d = some []
:= by
  rw [State.withDeclaration] at *
  simp [Std.AssocList.contains, List.any] at *
  simp [*] at *

theorem State.withDeclaration.wff (s: State) (d: String)
: s.wff  (s.withDeclaration d).wff
:= by
  simp [State.wff, State.withDeclaration]
  intro h
  .apply h
  .simp [*]; done

theorem State.withSpecialization.noChange (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String)
(h1: s.declarations.contains sub)
(h2: s.declarations.contains sup)
(h3: (s.declarations.find? sub).all (fun sups => sups.contains sup))
: s = s.withSpecialization sub sup
:= by
  --unfold State.withSpecialization State.withDeclaration at *
  simp [State.withSpecialization, State.withDeclaration] at *
  simp [*] at *

theorem State.withSpecialization.added (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String)
(h1: !s.declarations.contains sub)
(h2: !s.declarations.contains sup)
: (s.withSpecialization sub sup).declarations.contains sub &&
  (s.withSpecialization sub sup).declarations.contains sup
:= by
  rw [State.withSpecialization] at *
  simp [State.withDeclaration, Std.AssocList.contains, List.any, List.replaceF] at *
  simp [*] at *
  apply And.intro

theorem State.withSpecialization.wff (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String)
: s.wff  (s.withSpecialization sub sup).wff
:= by
  simp [State.wff, State.withSpecialization, State.withDeclaration] at *
  intro h
  simp [*] at *

def s0 : State := State.empty |>.withSpecialization "a" "b"
#eval s0

end MWE5

James Gallicchio (Jan 03 2023 at 04:45):

Ah, sure -- check out the split tactic!

To finish State.withDeclaration.added1:

. assumption
. simp

Something similar should work for the others!

James Gallicchio (Jan 03 2023 at 05:17):

Oh, wait, I misunderstood your question...

Rewriting within a match is generally a hard to do. I'm not sure if there's a way to rewrite through it. The only way I know to do what you want is to split and then do the simp/rewrite in each case. Usually this isn't too bad, since you can use the <;> combinator like split <;> simp or similar

James Gallicchio (Jan 03 2023 at 05:22):

Honestly, a good strategy with any goals involving match is to just split on it. Sometimes I find it much easier to clean up unnecessary splits after the fact, instead of thinking too deeply about whether I need to split or not...

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 03 2023 at 05:30):

Thanks, I managed to simplify a few proofs:

theorem State.withDeclaration.added1 (s: State) (d: String) (h: !s.declarations.contains d)
: (s.withDeclaration d).declarations.contains d
:= by
  rw [State.withDeclaration] at *

theorem State.withDeclaration.added2 (s: State) (d: String) (h: !s.declarations.contains d)
: (s.withDeclaration d).declarations.find? d = some []
:= by
  rw [State.withDeclaration] at *

For the next one, I am not sure how to split the nested Or:

theorem State.withDeclaration.wff (s: State) (d: String)
: s.wff  (s.withDeclaration d).wff
:= by
  simp_all [State.wff, State.withDeclaration]
  intro h
  . apply h
  . simp_all

Before sorry, the tactic state shows:

s: State
d: String
x✝: Bool
h: (List.all (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations) fun x =>
    List.all x.snd fun sup => List.any (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations) fun x => x.fst == sup) =
heq✝: (List.any (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations) fun x => x.fst == d) = false
⊢ (List.all (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations) fun x =>
    List.all x.snd fun sup => d == sup || List.any (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations) fun x => x.fst == sup) =

What are the grayed symbols: x✝ and heq✝?

In the above, the assumption h is very close to the goal.
The goal has an Or with the left d == sup that seems ought to match with heq✝if I could somehow bind it to an assumption (I tried but it is not available); the right could match the assumption h.

Since the Or is nested, split is not readily applicable.

How can I tackle this situation?

For the next one, the problem is similar that I cannot readily apply an assumption to a nested expression:

theorem State.withSpecialization.noChange (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String)
(h1: s.declarations.contains sub)
(h2: s.declarations.contains sup)
(h3: (s.declarations.find? sub).all (fun sups => sups.contains sup))
: s = s.withSpecialization sub sup
:= by
  --unfold State.withSpecialization State.withDeclaration at *
  simp [State.withSpecialization, State.withDeclaration] at *
  apply h3

The application of h3 fails because:

tactic 'apply' failed, failed to unify
  Option.all (fun sups => List.contains sups sup)
      (Option.map (fun x => x.snd) (List.find? (fun x => x.fst == sub) (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations))) =
  s =
      declarations :=
        Std.AssocList.replace sub
            Option.map (fun x => x.snd) (List.find? (fun x => x.fst == sub) (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations)) with
          | none => [sup]
          | some xs => if List.contains xs sup = true then xs else sup :: xs)
          s.declarations }
s: State
subsup: String
h1: (List.any (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations) fun x => x.fst == sub) = true
h2: (List.any (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations) fun x => x.fst == sup) = true
h3: Option.all (fun sups => List.contains sups sup)
    (Option.map (fun x => x.snd) (List.find? (fun x => x.fst == sub) (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations))) =
 s =
    declarations :=
      Std.AssocList.replace sub
          Option.map (fun x => x.snd) (List.find? (fun x => x.fst == sub) (Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations)) with
        | none => [sup]
        | some xs => if List.contains xs sup = true then xs else sup :: xs)
        s.declarations }

The last two proofs involve much more complicated expressions; I have not figured out how to tackle them.

James Gallicchio (Jan 03 2023 at 06:03):

Nicolas Rouquette said:

What are the grayed symbols: x✝ and heq✝?

Those are auto-generated, inaccessible names. There's a bunch of different ways to introduce accessible names, but the easiest here is probably to use next instead of . for the second case, like next x heq =>.

Almost all (all?) autogenerated names are inaccessible, I believe that's to ensure autogenerated names don't have to be stable.

Since the Or is nested, split is not readily applicable.

Yeah, you have to do quite a lot of unpacking before you can use split. My first attempt at doing so reached an unprovable goal, but maybe it's still helpful to look at:

theorem State.withDeclaration.wff (s: State) (d: String)
: s.wff  (s.withDeclaration d).wff
:= by
  simp_all [State.wff, State.withDeclaration]
  intro h
  . apply h
  next x heq =>
    rw [h]
    clear h
    funext (a,b)
    funext sup
    cases h : d == sup
    case true =>
      have : d = sup := eq_of_beq h
      rw [this, heq]
    case false =>

How can I tackle this situation?

For the next one, the problem is similar that I cannot readily apply an assumption to a nested expression:

theorem State.withSpecialization.noChange (s: State) (sub: String) (sup: String)
(h1: s.declarations.contains sub)
(h2: s.declarations.contains sup)
(h3: (s.declarations.find? sub).all (fun sups => sups.contains sup))
: s = s.withSpecialization sub sup
:= by
  --unfold State.withSpecialization State.withDeclaration at *
  simp [State.withSpecialization, State.withDeclaration] at *
  apply h3

James Gallicchio (Jan 03 2023 at 06:07):

As you can probably tell, Lean currently has very little automation for proofs about even relatively small programs... I don't know if I have good advice aside from keeping your lemmas very small and focused, since that's the only way I know to parse large expressions in Lean

Mario Carneiro (Jan 03 2023 at 06:45):

here's my attempt at that theorem:

import Std.Data.List.Lemmas

theorem State.withDeclaration.wff (s: State) (d: String) (h : s.wff) :
    (s.withDeclaration d).wff := by
  simp [State.wff, State.withDeclaration] at h 
  intro (s1, ss)
  split <;> simp
  · apply h
  · rintro (⟨rfl, rfl | h'); {intro.}
    exact fun _ hs => .inr (h _ h' _ hs)

James Gallicchio (Jan 03 2023 at 06:48):

I should really learn the rintro black magic at some point....

Mario Carneiro (Jan 03 2023 at 06:48):

the thing that pulls the most weight in this proof is the simp on the first line, plus the Std.Data.List.Lemmas to make it actually do something

Mario Carneiro (Jan 03 2023 at 06:50):

The original proof had a simp [List.all], that's the wrong move. You want to turn all those boolean functions into logical functions (in this case a \forall) ASAP since then all the other stuff like intro and fun do useful things

James Gallicchio (Jan 03 2023 at 06:53):

This does seem a bit situational, since we kinda luck out that List.all and List.any are succinct to describe in proposition land

James Gallicchio (Jan 03 2023 at 06:54):

A common situation, nonetheless :rofl:

Mario Carneiro (Jan 03 2023 at 07:00):

not really. If you look at AssocList you will notice that every single function has a theorem which relates it to proposition land written immediately afterward

Mario Carneiro (Jan 03 2023 at 07:03):

this is very much by design

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 03 2023 at 16:38):

Thanks for all of your suggestions; I have plenty to think about.

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 07 2023 at 21:26):

I want to make sure that I understand correctly @Mario Carneiro 's ingenious proof that I've reformatted like this:

theorem State.withDeclaration.wff (s: State) (d: String) (h: s.wff)
: (s.withDeclaration d).wff
:= by
  simp [State.wff, State.withDeclaration] at h 
  intro (s1, ss)
  split <;> simp
  . apply h
  · rintro (⟨rfl, rfl | h')
    . intro.
    . exact fun x hs => .inr (h _ h' x hs)

Just before rintro, the goal is:

 s1 = d  ss = []  (s1, ss)  Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations 
   (x : String), x  ss  d = x   a, a  Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations  a.fst = x

Based on VS code feedback, I see that rintro (⟨rfl, rfl⟩ | h') matches the left hand side of the implication: s1 = d ∧ ss = [] ∨ (s1, ss) ∈ Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations.

Why is it matching just the LHS of the goal instead of the whole goal expression?

On the last line, the goal is the RHS of the above, I am really amazed by the flexibility of the equivalence between universal quantifiers and functions; it seems to me far more powerful than what is explained in section 4 here: https://leanprover.github.io/theorem_proving_in_lean4/quantifiers_and_equality.html

If I understand correctly, the goal at the exact line above is a universal quantifier expression:

  (x : String), x  ss  d = x   a, a  Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations  a.fst = x

So it is equivalent to a function like this:

fun (x: String) (hs: x  ss) => d = x   a, a  Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations  a.fst = x

That equivalence allows matching the exact pattern function: exact fun x hs =>

Then on the right, the .inr construction involves the reverse.


h:  (x : String × Strings),
  x  Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations 
     (x_1 : String), x_1  x.snd   x, x  Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations  x.fst = x_1
h': (s1, ss)  Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations
x: String
hs: x  ss

The expression: (h _ h' x hs) effectively uses h as a function of 4 arguments:

  • (x : String × Strings) given by the placeholder _
  • x ∈ Std.AssocList.toList s.declarations given by the hypothesis h'
  • (x_1 : String) given by x
  • x_1 ∈ x.snd given by the hypothesis hs

Did I get this right?

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 08 2023 at 12:35):

Are you asking about what the rintro tactic does? rintro is just intro then cases, and rintro rfl is just intro h and then subst h.

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 08 2023 at 17:00):

I read this in the doc; however p, it’s application in this particular proof is unclear to me because it seems to be matching the LHS of the goal instead of the whole goal.

Then it took me a while to understand how the last line works; which is close to magical.

Hanting Zhang (Jan 08 2023 at 17:12):

The goal looks like A -> B (here both A and B are complicated). intro doesn't "match on the LHS", rather it introduces a : A into the context and turns the goal into B

In particular, A here looks like x /\ y \/ z. Normally, you could do intro h, which would give you h : x /\ y \/ z in the context. Then you can destruct the ands and ors with split, etc. rintro just makes things easier by allowing you to destruct while introducing. So you could also write rintro ((hx, hy) | hz), where the | eliminates on or, and the <hx, hy> destructs the and. However, notice x and y are also equalities, and most likely your next step would have been subst hx; subst hy -- so rintro also allows the sugar rfl to automatically do that for you.

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 08 2023 at 20:52):

Ah, thanks @Hanting Zhang for the explanation.

James Gallicchio (Jan 08 2023 at 23:01):

Also worth clarifying, small but important distinction:

  • ∀ (x : String), x ∈ ss → ... is a type (specifically a dependent function type)
  • (x : String) → x ∈ ss → ... is equivalent to that type, written in a syntax that emphasizes the function aspect

These are distinct from

  • fun (x : String) => fun (hs : x ∈ ss) => ..., a value of the above types
  • fun (x : String) (hs : x ∈ ss) => ... is equivalent to the above value, just with more syntax sugar

So the function value inhabits the (dependent) function type, and the forall quantifier is secretly just a dependent function type. exact blah is a tactic that lets you provide a term whose type is exactly the goal. So here we are providing a value of type ∀ (x : String), ..., but terms of that type look like fun (x : String) => ...

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 08 2023 at 23:22):

Oh, thanks @James Gallicchio, this is indeed a subtle aspect of the propositions-as-types correspondence that I misunderstood.

To be fair, what you wrote above is clearer to me than the cryptic doc here:

The Calculus of Constructions therefore identifies dependent arrow types with forall-expressions in this way. If p is any expression, ∀ x : α, p is nothing more than alternative notation for (x : α) → p, with the idea that the former is more natural than the latter in cases where p is a proposition.

I've read the above several times and I had not quite grasped the subtle distinction you're making, particularly the last paragraph.

James Gallicchio (Jan 08 2023 at 23:26):

Ah, yeah, that page seems hard to parse. I'll look into cleaning it up...

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 09 2023 at 05:05):

Following earlier advice to simplify the functions even more, I reduced my struggle to the following MWE.

Below, there is a single function, addSup, for which I want to show that the result contains the element being added.

example :  (l: Strings) (x: String), (addSup l x).contains x := sorry

I tried to proove this by induction on l; however, I ended up getting stuck at showing that a proof terminates.

import Std.Data.AssocList
import Std.Data.List.Lemmas

namespace MWE5a

abbrev Strings := List String

def addSup : Strings  String  Strings
| [], sup       => [sup]
| x :: xs, sup  => if x = sup then x :: xs else x :: (addSup xs sup)

theorem addSup.nil (sup: String)
: List.elem sup (addSup [] sup)
:= by simp [addSup]

theorem addSup.more (x: String) (head: String) (xs: Strings) (sup: String)
(h: List.elem sup (addSup (x :: xs) sup))
:   List.elem sup (addSup (x :: head :: xs) sup)
:= by
  match xs with
  | [] =>
    simp [addSup, h]
    . next ht =>
    . next hf =>
      . rfl
      . split
        . simp_all
        . next ht =>
          rw [List.elem]
          . rfl
          . simp
  | a :: as =>
    rw [ addSup.more]     -- lean says: failed to prove termination
  termination_by addSup.more _ _ xs _ _ => xs.length

theorem addSup.cons (x: String) (xs: Strings) (sup: String)
: List.elem sup (addSup (x :: xs) sup)
:= by
  induction xs
  case nil =>
    simp_all [addSup]
    . case inl =>
    . case inr =>
      next hf =>
        simp_all [hf]
        split <;> rfl
  case cons head tail tail_ih =>
    apply addSup.more x head tail sup tail_ih

end MWE5a

Above, the line rw [← addSup.more] shows:

failed to prove termination, possible solutions:
  - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals
  - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation
  - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal
a: String
as: List String
xhead: String
xs: Strings
sup: String
h: List.elem sup (addSup (x :: xs) sup) = true
 List.length xs < Nat.succ (List.length as)

Since I matched on xs and obtained a case: a :: as, the goal above should be true.

I get the feeling that this proof strategy is overly complicated but I am not sure what it is that I'm missing.

Any suggestions?

James Gallicchio (Jan 09 2023 at 05:15):

If you just want to expose the fact that you pattern matched on xs, you can instead match h_xs : xs with ... and then use subst_vars to substitute a::as for xs. Not sure RE: simplifying the overall proof structure though...

Mario Carneiro (Jan 09 2023 at 05:19):

Here's how I would approach your original theorem:

example (l : Strings) (x : String) : (addSup l x).contains x := by
  simp [List.contains]
  apply List.elem_eq_true_of_mem
  induction l <;> simp [addSup]
  split <;> simp [*]

List.elem_eq_true_of_mem should be a simp lemma, which would have eliminated that line

Mario Carneiro (Jan 09 2023 at 05:21):

also addSup is called List.insert in std (although it pushes the element to the front instead of the end)

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 14 2023 at 00:44):

ok, I followed Mario's suggestion to use List.insert instead of my own...

Now, I am getting stuck at prooving an existential property:

import Std.Data.AssocList
import Std.Data.List.Lemmas

namespace MWE7

abbrev Strings := List String

def addBoth : (Std.AssocList String Strings)  String  String  (Std.AssocList String Strings)
| .nil, sub, sup            => .cons sup [] (.cons sub [sup] .nil)
| .cons a as tail, sub, sup => bif a == sub then .cons sub (as.insert sup) tail else .cons a as (addBoth tail sub sup)

theorem addBoth.nil (sub: String) (sup: String)
: (addBoth .nil sub sup).contains sub && (addBoth .nil sub sup).contains sup
:= by simp [addBoth]

theorem addBoth.sub (ss: Std.AssocList String Strings) (sub: String) (sup: String)
: (addBoth ss sub sup).contains sub
:= by
  simp [Std.AssocList.contains]
  induction ss
  case nil =>
    simp [addBoth]
  case cons key value tail tail_ih =>
    simp [addBoth]
   -- apply Exists.elim

end MWE7

Just before the sorry, the tactic state is:

subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih:  x, x  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  x.fst = sub
        (bif key == sub then Std.AssocList.cons sub (List.insert sup value) tail
        else Std.AssocList.cons key value (addBoth tail sub sup)) 
    x.fst = sub

According to https://leanprover.github.io/theorem_proving_in_lean4/quantifiers_and_equality.html#the-existential-quantifier
I should be able to apply the Exists.elim tactic; however, there are implicit variables in that theorem:

theorem Exists.elim {α : Sort u} {p : α  Prop} {b : Prop}
   (h₁ : Exists (fun x => p x)) (h₂ :  (a : α), p a  b) : b :=
  match h₁ with
  | intro a h => h₂ a h

So if I apply this tactic, I get subgoals that I have no idea how to discharge:

case h₁
subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih:  x, x  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  x.fst = sub
  x, ?p x
case h₂
subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih:  x, x  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  x.fst = sub
  (a : ?α),
  ?p a 
            (bif key == sub then Std.AssocList.cons sub (List.insert sup value) tail
            else Std.AssocList.cons key value (addBoth tail sub sup)) 
        x.fst = sub
case α
subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih:  x, x  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  x.fst = sub
 Sort ?u.3967
case p
subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih:  x, x  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  x.fst = sub
 ?α  Prop

How do I handle this kind of proof?

James Gallicchio (Jan 14 2023 at 01:39):

Exists.elim lets you sort of “forward” the burden of existence to a different existential. Here, if you apply Exists.elim tail_ih, you’ll be left with the goal to prove that the tail_ih property implies the goal before Exists.elim

James Gallicchio (Jan 14 2023 at 01:40):

And since you’re supplying h1 in Exists.elim explicitly, it will unify against that to figure out the implicit variables in the theorem :)

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 14 2023 at 22:07):

I think I need something that deconstructs the goal, not the hypothesis and split the cases for the nested bif ... expression.

The closest I managed to get is the following:

def addBoth : (Std.AssocList String Strings)  String  String  (Std.AssocList String Strings)
| .nil, sub, sup            => .cons sup [] (.cons sub [sup] .nil)
| .cons a as tail, sub, sup => bif a == sub then .cons sub (as.insert sup) tail else .cons a as (addBoth tail sub sup)

theorem addBoth.sub (ss: Std.AssocList String Strings) (sub: String) (sup: String)
: (addBoth ss sub sup).contains sub
:= by
  simp [Std.AssocList.contains]
  induction ss
  case nil =>
    simp [addBoth]
  case cons key value tail tail_ih =>
    simp [addBoth]
    by_cases key == sup
    case pos h => {

    case neg nh => {


Now, in the pos case, the tactic state becomes:

subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih:  x, x  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  x.fst = sub
h: (key == sup) = true
        (bif key == sub then Std.AssocList.cons sub (List.insert sup value) tail
        else Std.AssocList.cons key value (addBoth tail sub sup)) 
    x.fst = sub

and in the negcase, I get:

subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih:  x, x  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  x.fst = sub
nh: ¬(key == sup) = true
        (bif key == sub then Std.AssocList.cons sub (List.insert sup value) tail
        else Std.AssocList.cons key value (addBoth tail sub sup)) 
    x.fst = sub

Now, it seems that I need to deconstruct the existential quantifier of the goal, not the tail_ih hypothesis.

With apply Elim.exists, I get multiple cases for the implicit parameters of the theorem; that does not seem the right way to go.

With apply Elim.exists tail_ih, the goal transforms from just an existential quantification into an implication of a universal quantification for the existential quantification. That seems to me going backwards, not towards deconstructing the goal.

It seems to me that there is something missing in the guidance for dealing w/ existential quantifiers.

James Gallicchio (Jan 14 2023 at 22:11):

The tail_ih hypothesis can be split using match or cases to put the x and the proof of its properties into context.

Then, if you can come up with some expression e for which the goal properties hold, you can refine ⟨e, ?_⟩ to claim e satisfies those properties (you then have to prove it does satisfy those properties)

James Gallicchio (Jan 14 2023 at 22:13):

I had the impression that the x of tail_ih is the same x that works for the goal, in which case apply Exists.elim tail_ih; intro h is basically the same as doing the above steps one at a time

James Gallicchio (Jan 14 2023 at 22:16):

TPIL has a section about existentials that will probably explain better than I can

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 14 2023 at 22:24):

I found something helpful: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/.E2.9C.94.20Golfable.20proof.3F/near/311749494

Then I managed to make progress:

abbrev Strings := List String

def addBoth : (Std.AssocList String Strings)  String  String  (Std.AssocList String Strings)
| .nil, sub, sup            => .cons sup [] (.cons sub [sup] .nil)
| .cons a as tail, sub, sup => bif a = sub then .cons sub (as.insert sup) tail else .cons a as (addBoth tail sub sup)

theorem cond_eq_ite (c : Bool) (a b : α) : cond c a b = if c then a else b := by cases c <;> rfl

theorem addBoth.sub (ss: Std.AssocList String Strings) (sub: String) (sup: String)
: (addBoth ss sub sup).contains sub
:= by
  simp [Std.AssocList.contains]
  induction ss
  . case nil =>
    simp [addBoth]
  . case cons key value tail tail_ih =>
    simp [addBoth]
    simp [cond_eq_ite]
    by_cases key = sup
    . case pos h =>
      simp [h]
      by_cases sub = sup
      . case pos ss =>
        simp [ss]
      . case neg ss =>
    . case neg h =>

When the condition is true, I solved the goal by simply applying the condition to simplify the if.

When the condition is false, it seems that I need some other theorem to simplify the if, e.g.:

subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih:  x, x  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  x.fst = sub
h: key = sup
ss: ¬sub = sup
        (if sup = sub then Std.AssocList.cons sub (List.insert sup value) tail
        else Std.AssocList.cons sup value (addBoth tail sub sup)) 
    x.fst = sub

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 14 2023 at 22:27):

Got it!

import Std.Data.AssocList
import Std.Data.List.Lemmas

namespace MWE7

abbrev Strings := List String

def addBoth : (Std.AssocList String Strings)  String  String  (Std.AssocList String Strings)
| .nil, sub, sup            => .cons sup [] (.cons sub [sup] .nil)
| .cons a as tail, sub, sup => bif a = sub then .cons sub (as.insert sup) tail else .cons a as (addBoth tail sub sup)

theorem addBoth.nil (sub: String) (sup: String)
: (addBoth .nil sub sup).contains sub && (addBoth .nil sub sup).contains sup
:= by simp [addBoth]

theorem cond_eq_ite (c : Bool) (a b : α) : cond c a b = if c then a else b := by cases c <;> rfl

theorem addBoth.sub (ss: Std.AssocList String Strings) (sub: String) (sup: String)
: (addBoth ss sub sup).contains sub
:= by
  simp [Std.AssocList.contains]
  induction ss
  . case nil =>
    simp [addBoth]
  . case cons key value tail tail_ih =>
    simp [addBoth]
    simp [cond_eq_ite]
    by_cases key = sup
    . case pos h =>
      simp [h]
      by_cases sub = sup
      . case pos ss =>
        simp [ss]
      . case neg ss =>
        split <;> simp_all
    . case neg =>
      split <;> simp_all

end MWE7

There is probably a way to simplify the proof; this is my first non-trivial proof about a non-trivial data structure operation that I managed to do in Lean! Yeah!

James Gallicchio (Jan 14 2023 at 22:43):

If you want cool lean tricks, you can write the induction as

  induction ss <;> simp [addBoth]
  next key value tail tail_ih =>
    simp [cond_eq_ite]

It looks pretty clean overall :D

Nicolas Rouquette (Jan 14 2023 at 23:47):

Thanks for the tip. Encouraged by this progress, I tried to prove something a bit more difficult that requires dealing w/ an existential quantifier.
I think I can simplify the proof w/ an auxiliary lemma but I am not sure how to handle this pattern.

import Std.Data.AssocList
import Std.Data.List.Lemmas

namespace MWE8

abbrev Strings := List String

def addBoth : (Std.AssocList String Strings)  String  String  (Std.AssocList String Strings)
| .nil, sub, sup            => .cons sup [] (.cons sub [sup] .nil)
| .cons a as tail, sub, sup => bif a = sub then .cons sub (as.insert sup) tail else .cons a as (addBoth tail sub sup)

theorem addBoth.nil (sub: String) (sup: String)
: (addBoth .nil sub sup).contains sub && (addBoth .nil sub sup).contains sup
:= by simp [addBoth]

theorem cond_eq_ite (c : Bool) (a b : α) : cond c a b = if c then a else b := by cases c <;> rfl

theorem addBoth.tail (a: String × Strings) (tail: Std.AssocList String Strings) (sub: String) (sup: String)
  (h: a  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)  a.fst = sup)
:  a, a  Std.AssocList.toList tail  a.fst = sup
:= by
  induction tail <;> simp [addBoth]
  . case nil =>
  . case cons key value tail tail_ih =>
    by_cases key = sup
    . case pos h =>
      apply Or.inl h
    . case neg h ht =>

theorem addBoth.sup (ss: Std.AssocList String Strings) (sub: String) (sup: String)
: (addBoth ss sub sup).contains sup
:= by
  simp [Std.AssocList.contains]
  induction ss <;> simp [addBoth]
  . next key value tail tail_ih =>
    simp [addBoth]
    simp [cond_eq_ite]
    by_cases key = sub
    . case pos h =>
      simp [h]
      by_cases sub = sup
      . case pos ss =>
        apply Or.inl ss
      . case neg ss =>
        simp [ss]
        apply Exists.elim tail_ih
        intro a h
        apply addBoth.tail a tail sub sup h
    . case neg =>
      split <;> simp_all

end MWE8

For the nil case, the sorry tactic state is:

a: String × Strings
subsup: String
h: (a = (sup, [])  a = (sub, [sup]))  a.fst = sup

Here, h is "obviously" false so I should be able to proove this by contradiction, splitting over h.
Not sure how to do this...

For the cons.neg case, the sorry tactic state is:

a: String × Strings
subsupkey: String
value: Strings
tail: Std.AssocList String Strings
tail_ih: a  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth tail sub sup)   a, a  Std.AssocList.toList tail  a.fst = sup
h: a  Std.AssocList.toList (addBoth (Std.AssocList.cons key value tail) sub sup)  a.fst = sup
ht: ¬key = sup
  a, a  Std.AssocList.toList tail  a.fst = sup

This seems like regressing back to the original goal.

I am wondering if this is the right proof strategy.

Casavaca (Jan 27 2023 at 20:37):

Could anyone show me how to prove this? Thanks.

example {α} {m : Type u  Type v} (l : List α) [inst : Monad m]:
  inst.pure l = (fun (x : List α) => l ++ x) <$> inst.pure [] := by sorry

l : List α
inst : Monad m
 pure l = (fun x => l ++ x) <$> pure []

Mario Carneiro (Jan 27 2023 at 20:38):

it's not true without a LawfulMonad instance

Mario Carneiro (Jan 27 2023 at 20:40):

example {α} {m : Type u  Type v} (l : List α) [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] :
  (pure l : m _) = (fun (x : List α) => l ++ x) <$> pure [] := by simp

Casavaca (Jan 28 2023 at 03:35):

Thanks. I learned something new.

Casavaca (Jan 28 2023 at 22:26):

Could anyone show me how to prove this (if it's true). Thanks again.

example {m : Type u  Type v} [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m]
        (l : List β) (tail : (m (List β))) (head : (m β)) :
        (do {
           let __do_lift  head
           (List.cons __do_lift) <$> tail
         }) =
        Seq.seq (List.cons <$> head) fun x => tail := by

Parth Shastri (Jan 28 2023 at 22:35):

simp [seq_eq_bind, map_eq_pure_bind]

Casavaca (Jan 29 2023 at 02:06):


Can you tell me how to find such a proof? library_search (mathlib4) shows a bunch of unrelated results.

Mario Carneiro (Jan 29 2023 at 13:39):

there is a pretty short list of monad lemmas (roughly the contents of the LawfulMonad class itself) which suffice to put all monad expressions into a normal form. If you are rewriting seq or <$> or bind (usually pretty printed as do let x <- a; b), then you should look there first

James Gallicchio (Jan 31 2023 at 16:57):

is there a reason they're not marked simp lemmas? (have we just not settled on what the normal form should be?)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC