Zulip Chat Archive
Stream: lean4
Topic: IO.waitAny but no IO.waitAll ?
Chris Lovett (Sep 27 2022 at 00:14):
Why is there an IO.waitAny that waits for first task in a List of tasks to complete, but no corresponding IO.waitAll that returns the combined results as List α
Chris Lovett (Sep 27 2022 at 00:29):
I can do this, but why should I have to do that?
def processTasks (args: List String) : List String :=
let tasks := args.map (λ s => Task.spawn fun _ => dbgSleep 1000 fun _ => s)
let result := tasks.foldl (λ r s =>
let x := Task.get s
x :: r) ([]: List String)
#eval processTasks ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2022 at 00:54):
I don't see the problem with that. You can write it more succinctly as:
def processTasks (args: List Nat) : List Nat :=
(args.map fun s => Task.spawn fun _ => dbgSleep 1000 fun _ => s).map Task.get
#eval processTasks (List.range 7)
Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2022 at 00:56):
by playing with the number it is amusing to see that the task manager will schedule up to 7 tasks in parallel on my machine (presumably one less than the number of cores on the machine with one being the main thread / scheduler)
Mario Carneiro (Sep 27 2022 at 00:58):
I find the current interface more flexible in allowing you to stuff the results in your own data structure instead of pulling it out of a list
Chris Lovett (Sep 27 2022 at 06:17):
I find the current interface more flexible in allowing you to stuff the results in your own data structure instead of pulling it out of a list
Yeah, I can see that now. I guess part of the problem is I'm still hopeless at writing good Lean code, not sure what I was thinking with that foldl
call :-) I have 24 cores and I can definitely see the batching take place in this test:
#eval timeit "running " (processTasks (List.range 20)) -- running 1.02s
#eval timeit "running " (processTasks (List.range 40)) -- running 2.03s
#eval timeit "running " (processTasks (List.range 60)) -- running 3.03s
#eval timeit "running " (processTasks (List.range 80)) -- running 4.03s
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC