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Stream: lean4

Topic: In buffer message alignment in lean4-mode

Tomas Skrivan (May 11 2022 at 08:57):

The message with #check or #print shows the message aligned to the right and quite often the message does not show fully, see attached picture.


I'm not entirely sure if it is problem in lean4-mode, some other part of emacs or my config. Anyway, I was unable to figure out where the problem is. Does this happen to someone else? How can it be fixed?

Jannis Limperg (May 11 2022 at 09:03):

I also have this (also with the Haskell LSP plugin). Don't know what to do about it so I always use the goal buffer.

Sebastian Ullrich (May 11 2022 at 09:06):

Looks like https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-ui#lsp-ui-sideline

Sebastian Ullrich (May 11 2022 at 09:07):

Not exactly much to customize there

Tomas Skrivan (May 11 2022 at 09:16):

Interesting, I increased lsp-ui-sideline-diagnostic-max- line-length/lines and the local context now shows up, neat. But still does not solve the problem with cutting off the end of the line:

Sebastian Ullrich (May 11 2022 at 09:19):

Ah, I think this is a problem with Unicode characters, which probably screw up some internal size measurements

Tomas Skrivan (May 11 2022 at 09:24):

Even in C++ it just either cuts off the line or does not show the line at all.

Sebastian Ullrich (May 11 2022 at 09:29):

Note that it is not cut off in your last example, the Y is wrapped to the beginning of the next line

Tomas Skrivan (May 11 2022 at 09:30):

True, but in the first example it is cut off.

Tomas Skrivan (May 11 2022 at 09:30):

Some experimentation in C++:

High line-length

Normal line-length, you can see the cut off at ... of type 'const

Tomas Skrivan (May 11 2022 at 09:33):

It tries to do some really smart stuff, like find a line where the message fits and display it there. I kind of liked the lean3 behavior where it just add extra lines under #check

Sebastian Ullrich (May 11 2022 at 10:19):

I think that was https://github.com/leanprover/lean-mode/blob/master/lean-message-boxes.el by @David Thrane Christiansen . It shouldn't be too hard to port.

David Thrane Christiansen (May 11 2022 at 10:23):

I'd be happy to explain that code to anyone who needs it, but I don't have time to port it myself right now.

Perhaps it should be generalized into a library that can work with lsp-mode, eglot, or other sources of metadata about a program, and then give it a Lean/LSP backend for this case? It seems like it would be useful for non-LSP data sources as well, like racket-xp-mode, flymake/flycheck, or even M-x compile output.

I can walk you through the design of something like that in my head, and explain the UI code, and generally mentor the elisp development.

David Thrane Christiansen (May 11 2022 at 10:24):

FWIW I don't use lsp-ui at all, and the Lean info buffer is also a reasonable way to see these things for my uses, and it doesn't suffer from the constraints of having to put the messages inline in the buffer text.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC