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Stream: lean4

Topic: Inaccessible name bug

Marcus Rossel (May 02 2022 at 16:05):

I think there's a bug when displaying inaccessible names (at least in VS Code on nightly 2022-04-28).
In the following example:

def f : Nat  Option Nat := λ _ => sorry
theorem t : (f m₁ = some n)  (f m₂ = some n)  True := sorry

example : ( n₁, f m₁ = some n₁)  ( n₂, f m₂ = some n₂)  True := by
  intro _, h₁ _, h₂
  exact t h₁ h₂

... the goal state after the intro is:

m₁ m₂ w✝¹ : Nat
h₁ : f m₁ = some w✝¹
w : Nat
h₂ : f m₂ = some w

That is, we have inaccessible names w✝ and w✝¹.
When trying to (incorrectly) use theorem t in the next line, Lean complains with:

application type mismatch
  t h₁ h₂
has type
  f m₂ = some w : Prop
but is expected to have type
  f m₂ = some w : Prop

... which is very confusing. If we give w✝ and w✝¹ actual names, we can see that the ¹ in w✝¹ simply didn't carry over into the error message:

example : ( n₁, f m₁ = some n₁)  ( n₂, f m₂ = some n₂)  True := by
  intro x, h₁ y, h₂
  exact t h₁ h₂

-- Shows:
-- application type mismatch
--   t h₁ h₂
-- argument
--   h₂
-- has type
--   f m₂ = some y : Prop
-- but is expected to have type
--   f m₂ = some x : Prop

Leonardo de Moura (May 04 2022 at 15:13):

This bug has been fixed

Leonardo de Moura (May 04 2022 at 15:14):

Relevant thread for more details: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/.E2.9C.94.20Problems.20with.20the.20Dependent.20cartesian.20product.20example/near/280857320

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC