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Stream: lean4
Topic: Interesting `withAssignableSyntheticOpaque` `isDefEq` bug
Thomas Murrills (Nov 06 2023 at 06:48):
I figure this has to do with delayed-assigned metavariables. Consider the following apparent refine
example : (fun _ : Nat => 2) = (fun _ => 2) := by
refine (?_ : (fun _ : Nat => ?e) = _) -- unknown free variable '_uniq.39413'
This seems to actually be due to elabTermEnsuringType
import Lean
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic in
elab "test1 " stx:term : tactic => withMainContext do
discard <| elabTermEnsuringType (←`(term|(?_ : $stx))) (← getMainTarget)
example : (fun _ : Nat => 2) = (fun _ => 2) := by
test1 (fun _ : Nat => ?e) = _ -- unknown free variable '_uniq.46964'
which in turn seems to be due to an issue with isDefEq
under withAssignableSyntheticOpaque
import Lean
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic in
elab "test2 " stx:term : tactic => withMainContext do
let e ← elabTerm stx none
discard <| withAssignableSyntheticOpaque <| isDefEq e (← getMainTarget)
example : (fun _ : Nat => 2) = (fun _ => 2) := by
test2 (fun _ : Nat => ?e) = _ -- unknown free variable '_uniq.48582'
Removing withAssignableSyntheticOpaque
fixes the issue.
Note: replacing the underscore on the rhs of the =
with the explicit term fixes the issue as well.
Kyle Miller (Nov 06 2023 at 19:32):
It seems to be that there's a bug in how ?...
holes are abstracted? Just elaborating the term fun _ : Nat => ?_
leads to an expression with a metavariable that (through delayed assignment) is a metavariable with a type with the offending unbound fvar.
import Lean
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic in
elab "test" stx:term : tactic => withMainContext do
let e ← Term.elabTerm stx none
logInfo m!"e = {e}"
let mvs ← getMVars e
logInfo m!"mvars = {mvs.map Expr.mvar}\n{← mvs.mapM MVarId.isDelayedAssigned}"
example : False := by
test fun _ : Nat => ?_
e = fun x ↦ ?m.4341 x
mvars = [?m.4341, ?m.4339]
[true, false]
-- ?m.4341 : (x : Nat) → ?m.4340 x
-- ?m.4339 : ?m.4340 _uniq.4336
test fun _ : Nat => _
e = fun x ↦ ?m.4348 x
mvars = [?m.4348]
-- ?m.4348 : (x : Nat) → ?m.4347 x
Thomas Murrills (Nov 06 2023 at 19:52):
Oh interesting! Hmmm...the offending fvar is present in local context of the mvar that has that fvar in its type, at least, though.
import Lean
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic
def showLCtxFVars (m : MVarId) : MetaM (List Name) := m.withContext do
return (← getLCtx).fvarIdToDecl.toList.map (·.1.name)
elab "test" stx:term : tactic => withMainContext do
let e ← Term.elabTerm stx none
logInfo m!"e = {e}"
let mvs ← getMVars e
let fvars ← liftM <| mvs.mapM showLCtxFVars
let types ← liftM <| mvs.mapM MVarId.getType
logInfo m!"mvars = {mvs.map Expr.mvar}\n{fvars}\n{types}\n{← mvs.mapM MVarId.isDelayedAssigned}"
example : False := by
test fun _ : Nat => ?_
mvars = [?m.7027, ?m.7025]
[[_uniq.7019], [_uniq.7019, _uniq.7022]]
[(x : Nat) → ?m.7026 x, ?m.7026 _uniq.7022]
[true, false]
If all the eventual delayed-assignment-related substitutions worked as intended, this would be ok, right?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC