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Stream: lean4

Topic: Jump to definition of notation

Patrick Massot (Oct 18 2022 at 20:40):

In #check (· + ·) I wasn't able to find a cursor position where jumping to definition leads anywhere but the line @[builtinMacro Lean.Parser.Term.paren] def expandParen : Macro which doesn't seem very useful.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 18 2022 at 21:09):

There seems to be a bug in the ()-with-· elaborator which causes it to block all hovers from internal nodes

Gabriel Ebner (Oct 18 2022 at 21:12):

Is this something new? I've also noticed this recently:

example : Inhabited Nat := Nat.zero
-- hover is always broken on Nat.zero
-- go-to-def is (sometimes?!?) broken on Nat.zero

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 19 2022 at 08:40):

Gabriel Ebner said:

Is this something new? I've also noticed this recently:

example : Inhabited Nat := Nat.zero
-- hover is always broken on Nat.zero
-- go-to-def is (sometimes?!?) broken on Nat.zero

This is a regression from the canonical info introduction, https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/pull/1753

Sebastian Ullrich (Oct 19 2022 at 09:10):

Patrick's issue is not directly related (and never worked, I assume), but I pushed a fix to the same PR

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC