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Stream: lean4

Topic: Lake script for automatically generating files with imports

Anand Rao Tadipatri (Jun 29 2023 at 11:34):

I have written a Lake script to automatically detect the top-level folders in a Lean repository and generate the corresponding top-level files that import all the files from these folders. Here is the code, in case anyone else finds it useful:

script mkImports do
  let ws  Lake.getWorkspace
  let [pkg] := ws.packageList.filter (·.dir = "."⟩) | throw <| IO.userError "Current package not found"
  IO.println s!"Creating imports for package {pkg.name} ...\n"
  for (libName, _) in pkg.leanLibConfigs do
    let dir  FilePath.walkDir libName.toString >>= Array.filterM (not <$> ·.isDir)
    let filePathToImport : FilePath  String := fun fp  fp.toString.takeWhile (· != FilePath.extSeparator) |>.map <|
      fun c  if c = FilePath.pathSeparator then '.' else c
    let imports := dir.foldl (init := "") <| fun s f  s ++ s!"import {filePathToImport f}\n"
    IO.FS.writeFile (libName.toString ++ ".lean") imports
    IO.println s!"Created imports file for {libName} library."
  return 1

This can be inserted at the end of the lakefile of any Lean4 repository and run using the command lake run mkImports.

Scott Morrison (Jun 29 2023 at 11:41):

@Anand Rao Tadipatri, would you mind PRing it to mathlib4?

(A question about scripts: do downstream projects inherit them?)

Anand Rao Tadipatri (Jun 29 2023 at 11:45):

Sure, I will do that in a short while.

(I'm not sure about the answer, actually. I'll try it out on a test set-up.)

Arthur Paulino (Jun 29 2023 at 12:02):

You might want to look at https://github.com/lurk-lab/yatima/blob/main/lakefile.lean#L133-L144

Arthur Paulino (Jun 29 2023 at 12:03):

You can run lake run import_all? on CI. Or lake run import_allto generate the file.
The code from the link I posted has a two-fold role, such that the bash script could be scrapped

Anand Rao Tadipatri (Jun 29 2023 at 14:45):

@Arthur Paulino Thanks for the link. The idea of having a separate import_all?function is a neat one; I have modified my code to emulate the design of the Yatima lakefile.

def getCurrentPackage : ScriptM Package := do
  let ws  Lake.getWorkspace
  let [pkg] := ws.packageList.filter (·.dir = "."⟩) | throw <| IO.userError "Current package not found"
  return pkg

def importsForLib (lib : Name) : IO String := do
  let dir  FilePath.walkDir lib.toString >>= Array.filterM (not <$> ·.isDir)
  let filePathToImport : FilePath  String := fun fp  fp.toString.takeWhile (· != FilePath.extSeparator) |>.map <|
    fun c  if c = FilePath.pathSeparator then '.' else c
  let imports := dir.foldl (init := "") <| fun s f  s ++ s!"import {filePathToImport f}\n"
  return imports

script import_all do
  let pkg  getCurrentPackage
  IO.println s!"Creating imports for package {pkg.name} ...\n"
  for (lib, _) in pkg.leanLibConfigs do
    let fileName : FilePath := lib.toString ++ ".lean"
    let imports  importsForLib lib
    IO.FS.writeFile fileName imports
    IO.println s!"Created imports file for {lib} library."
  return 0

script import_all? do
  let pkg  getCurrentPackage
  IO.println s!"Checking imports for package {pkg.name} ...\n"
  for (lib, _) in pkg.leanLibConfigs do
    let fileName : FilePath := lib.toString ++ ".lean"
    let allImports  importsForLib lib
    let existingImports  IO.FS.readFile fileName
    unless existingImports = allImports do
      IO.eprintln s!"Invalid import list for {lib} library."
      IO.eprintln s!"Try running `lake run mkImports`."
      return 1
  IO.println s!"The imports for package {pkg.name} are up to date."
  return 0

Anand Rao Tadipatri (Jun 29 2023 at 15:05):

Unfortunately, it seems that downstream projects do not inherit lake scripts.

Anand Rao Tadipatri (Jun 29 2023 at 15:34):

@Scott Morrison I have created a pull request for this on mathlib4: #5593. The existing order of imports in Mathlib.lean is alphabetical, while the order of imports generated by the script import_all is according to the depth-first traversal of the Mathlib directory, which is why import_all? may fail initially (but will succeed after running lake run import_all).

Mac Malone (Jun 29 2023 at 22:02):

@Anand Rao Tadipatri Some tips. The "current package" (as your script appears to define it) is always simply ws.root. Also, your getCurrentPackage will break if lake is run from another directory via lake -d /some/pkg).

Mac Malone (Jun 29 2023 at 22:12):

Also, there does not need to be correlation between Lean library's name and its root module. For example, the following is a permissible style:

package foo
lean_lib lib {roots := #[`Foo]}
lean_exe exe {root := `Main}

Thus, I would suggest you use libConfig.roots to find the root module(s) instead. Similarly, I would suggest you iterator over leanLibs instead ofleanLibConfigs and use lib.srcDir to determine the directory where the root modules are stored (as it may not be the current working directory).

Anand Rao Tadipatri (Jun 30 2023 at 09:21):

Thanks a lot for the suggestions, @Mac. I have updated the script on #5593.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC