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Stream: lean4

Topic: Lean equivalent of inversion tactic

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 17:08):

What is the lean equivalent of Coq's inversion tactic?

Eric Wieser (Nov 02 2023 at 17:16):

Maybe injection or cases?

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 17:17):

It doesn't quite work equivalently. inversion generates a bunch of equalities. I'll try to construct an #mwe to explain

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 17:33):

Here's a lean example:

import Mathlib.Tactic

inductive Expression where
| Lit (z : )

open Expression

inductive Value where
| LitV (z : )

open Value

def toExpr (v : Value) :=
  match v with
  | LitV z => Lit z

inductive BigStep : Expression  Value  Prop where
| LitRule (z : ) : BigStep (Lit z) (LitV z)

lemma simpleExample :  v w : Value, BigStep (toExpr v) w  v = w := by
  intro v w H
  cases H -- some error about dependent elimination failure

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 17:34):

Here's the corresponding Coq example:

From Coq Require Import ZArith.

Inductive Expression :=
| Lit (z : Z).

Inductive Value :=
| LitV (z : Z).

Definition toExpr (v : Value) :=
  match v with
  | LitV z => Lit z

Inductive BigStep : Expression -> Value -> Prop :=
| LitRule (z : Z) : BigStep (Lit z) (LitV z).

Lemma simpleExample: forall v w : Value, BigStep (toExpr v) w -> v = w.
  intros v w H.
  destruct v.
  inversion H.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 17:34):

As you can see Coq does some backward reasoning at H, and produces a bunch of equalities

Eric Wieser (Nov 02 2023 at 17:40):

cases v; cases H works there

Eric Wieser (Nov 02 2023 at 17:40):

Which I think is a reasonable translation of destruct v inversion H

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 17:45):

Okay, I think my #mwe example is not quite getting it right

Alex J. Best (Nov 02 2023 at 17:45):

Some previous discussion https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/.E2.9C.94.20.60inversion.60.20tactic.3F/near/257502550

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 18:02):

The error was due to an altogether different reason. In one of my alternatives for BigStep (which has other constructors ofc), one of the options was incorrectly using a substitution function.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 18:03):

Essentially the last line below was missing:

inductive BigStep : LExpr  Val  Prop where
  | bsLit (n : ) :
      BigStep (LitInt n) (LitIntV n)
  | bsLam (x : Binder) (e : LExpr) :
      BigStep (Lam x e) (LamV x e)
  | bsPlus {e₁ e₂ : LExpr} {z₁ z₂ : } :
      BigStep e₁ (LitIntV z₁) 
      BigStep e₂ (LitIntV z₂) 
      BigStep (Plus e₁ e₂) (LitIntV (z1 + z2))
  | bsApp {x : Binder} {e e₁ e₂: LExpr} {v₂ v': Val}:
      BigStep e₁ (LamV x e) 
      BigStep e₂ v₂ 
      BigStep (subst' x v₂ e₂) v 
      BigStep (App e₁ e₂) v

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 02 2023 at 18:03):

Starting with the arrow in the previous line.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC