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Stream: lean4

Topic: Lean tossing an error over having exactly what it wants

Aron (Jun 14 2022 at 06:33):

import Mathlib.Logic.Basic
-- def exunique (p : α → Prop) := ∃ (x : α), (p x ∧ ∀ y, p y → x = y)

-- syntax "∃!" term "," term: term
-- macro_rules
-- | `(∃! $t:term, $p:term) => `(exunique (fun $t => $p))

class incidence (point line: Type) (inc:point  line  Prop) :=
(one:  P Q, P  Q  ∃! l, inc P l  inc Q l)
(two:  l,  P Q, P  Q  inc P l  inc Q l)
(three:  P Q R, P  Q  P  R  Q  R   l, ¬(inc P l  inc Q l  inc R l))

variable {point line:Type}
variable (inc:point  line  Prop)
variable [i: incidence point line inc]

-- many lines and theorems hidden for your convenience

theorem t6:  l1 l2 l3, l1l2l1l3l2l3∧∀ p,¬(inc p l1  inc p l2  inc p l3) :=by
have a,b,c,h'a'n'b,h'a'n'c,h'b'n'c,h'n'col⟩:=i.three
have l'ab,h'lab'ppty,h'lab'uq⟩:= i.one a b h'a'n'b
have l'ac,h'lac'ppty,h'lac'uq⟩:= i.one a c h'a'n'c
have l'bc,h'lbc'ppty,h'lbc'uq⟩:= i.one b c h'b'n'c
refine l'ab,l'ac,l'bc,?_,?_,?_,?_
intro h'lab'lac
have h'c'lab:= Eq.substr h'lab'lac h'lac'ppty

Trying.lean:253:35: error: application type mismatch
  Eq.substr h'lab'lac h'lac'ppty
has type
  (fun l => inc a l  inc c l) l'ac : Prop
but is expected to have type
  (fun l => inc a l  inc c l) l'ac : Prop
././Trying.lean:256:1: warning: declaration uses 'sorry'
././Trying.lean:257:1: warning: declaration uses 'sorry'
././Trying.lean:258:1: warning: declaration uses 'sorry'

It has the type it expects. What's the problem?

Horațiu Cheval (Jun 14 2022 at 07:01):

It works if you pass the motive explicitly

have h'c'lab := @Eq.substr _ (fun l => inc a l  inc c l) _ _ h'lab'lac h'lac'ppty

Marc Huisinga (Jun 14 2022 at 11:55):

Note that rw makes all the motive woes disappear, e.g. rw [←h'lab'lac] at h'lac'ppty works as well.

Leonardo de Moura (Jun 14 2022 at 15:18):

The following section should be useful:

Notice that the second implicit parameter to Eq.subst, which provides the context in which the substitution is to occur, has type α → Prop. Inferring this predicate therefore requires an instance of higher-order unification. In full generality, the problem of determining whether a higher-order unifier exists is undecidable, and Lean can at best provide imperfect and approximate solutions to the problem. As a result, Eq.subst doesn't always do what you want it to. The macro h ▸ e uses more effective heuristics for computing this implicit parameter, and often succeeds in situations where applying Eq.subst fails.

Leonardo de Moura (Jun 14 2022 at 15:21):

The macro h ▸ e is quite handy when we are in term-mode (and do not want to switch to tactic-mode and use rw).

Aron (Jun 14 2022 at 16:20):

I usually use rw, but I can't figure out how to assign the hypothesis a new name when I'm done with it.

Horațiu Cheval (Jun 14 2022 at 17:09):

You can always do have new_hypothesis := old_hypothesis if you want a new name, and maybe discard the old hypothesis afterwards (I forgot if there is a tactic that does both)

Horațiu Cheval (Jun 14 2022 at 17:12):

Or variations thereof like have new_hypothesis : new_statement := by rw [h] at old_hypothesis; assumption

Alex Keizer (Jun 14 2022 at 17:34):

Horațiu Cheval said:

You can always do have new_hypothesis := old_hypothesis if you want a new name, and maybe discard the old hypothesis afterwards (I forgot if there is a tactic that does both)

There's rename which works somewhat similarly, except you have to specify the type of the old hypothesis, rather than it's name. I think it's mostly intended to work with inaccessible/unnamed hypotheses, but also works here.

Horațiu Cheval (Jun 14 2022 at 17:37):

Good to know!

Aron (Jun 14 2022 at 17:38):

I've been trying to get rename to work, do you have a use case?

Aron (Jun 14 2022 at 18:01):

And how do you discard hypotheses?

Horațiu Cheval (Jun 14 2022 at 18:03):

In Lean 3 it used to be the clear tactic, applied to the hypothesis to discard. I'm not at my computer right now to check if it's the same in Lean 4.

Alex Keizer (Jun 14 2022 at 18:16):

clear also works as described in lean4!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC