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Stream: lean4

Topic: Lean.CompactedRegion memory management

Joachim Breitner (Sep 27 2023 at 16:03):

Is the following understanding of pickle correct?
The Lean.CompactedRegion returned from unpickle can be used to free the region, using Lean.CompactedRegion.free.
As long as this is not called explicitly, the compact region stays around.
Dropping the last reference to the Lean.CompactedRegion object does not free the region. In particular, if I don’t plan to free the region, I don’t need to keep the Lean.CompactedRegion value around.
Freeing the region (explicitly) is dangerous if there still is some reference to values in it, as they will now point to unmapped or even unrelated memory.

Sebastian Ullrich (Sep 27 2023 at 16:04):


Joachim Breitner (Sep 27 2023 at 16:16):

Thanks! So mathlib4#7305 isn’t bogus :-)

I’m reading through the module loading code, and unless I am mistake, it only uses mmap if it can manage to import the .olean at the same position it was when it was serialized? Ah, it uses a random base base address when creating the .olean. That’s kinda amusing :-)

Joachim Breitner (Sep 27 2023 at 16:29):

Did you consider to only have relative pointers in data structures, so that compacted regions would be relocatable? But guess if this scheme works, then why bother.

Sebastian Ullrich (Sep 27 2023 at 16:32):

Yes, collisions are not a concern in 64 bit address space. Doing additional pointer calculations just for that doesn't sound pretty.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC