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Stream: lean4

Topic: Lean.Expr.proj

Arthur Paulino (May 30 2022 at 13:31):

In the metaprogramming book, @Edward Ayers described this constructor as:

proj is for projection. Suppose you have a structure such as p : α × β,
rather than storing the projection π₁ p as app π₁ p, it is expressed as
proj Prod 0 p. This is for efficiency reasons

Is this documented somewhere? Where can I learn more about it? Thanks in advance!

Mario Carneiro (May 30 2022 at 13:41):

well, you are talking about the very book that would be the documentation, so not really

Mario Carneiro (May 30 2022 at 13:41):

is there something in particular you want to know about it?

Mario Carneiro (May 30 2022 at 13:42):

They are called "primitive projections" and they correspond to the fields of a structure

Arthur Paulino (May 30 2022 at 13:43):

Hm, is there anything we lose (but efficiency) if we face them as regular applications? Like some expressiveness power

Mario Carneiro (May 30 2022 at 13:59):

no, it's just for efficiency

Mario Carneiro (May 30 2022 at 14:00):

they are not supposed to be an extension to the logic, they just abbreviate applications of the recursor

Mario Carneiro (May 30 2022 at 14:00):

nat and string literals are the same way

Arthur Paulino (May 30 2022 at 14:06):

Alright, thanks!

Arthur Paulino (Jun 01 2022 at 04:35):

How can I make it print proj?

import Lean

open Lean Elab Command Term in
elab "#inspect" t:term : command => do
  liftTermElabM `inspect do
    let t  elabTerm t none
    dbg_trace t.ctorName

structure Foo where
  aa : Nat
  bb : String

#inspect (Foo.mk 1 "hi").1  -- app
#inspect (Foo.mk 1 "hi").aa -- app
#inspect (1, 2).1           -- app
#inspect (1, 2).fst         -- app

Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 05:12):

Not easily. proj is generally not supposed to show up in normal terms. But you can look at the implementation of the projections to find occurrences of proj:

import Lean

elab "#inspect" t:ident : command => do
  if let some ci := ( Lean.getEnv).find? t.getId then
    dbg_trace repr ci.value!

structure Foo where
  aa : Nat
  bb : String

#inspect Foo.aa
-- Lean.Expr.lam
--   `self
--   (Lean.Expr.const `Foo [] (Expr.mkData 1485976967 (bi := Lean.BinderInfo.default)))
--   (Lean.Expr.proj
--     `Foo
--     0
--     (Lean.Expr.bvar 0 (Expr.mkData 4279369707 (looseBVarRange := 1) (bi := Lean.BinderInfo.default)))
--     (Expr.mkData 1237988559 (looseBVarRange := 1) (approxDepth := 1) (bi := Lean.BinderInfo.default)))
--   (Expr.mkData 3385561612 (approxDepth := 2) (bi := Lean.BinderInfo.default))

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 01 2022 at 07:41):

Is there any way to reduce an Expr in a way that minimizes the constructors used? I.e. reducing away not only lets but also projs and literals?

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 01 2022 at 07:47):

No built-in way I think, since Lean of course wants to preserve these

Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 07:49):

Note that lean does know that a projection can unfold:

example : Foo.aa = @Foo.rec (λ _ => Nat) (λ x y => x) := rfl

Mario Carneiro (Jun 01 2022 at 07:49):

(on second thought, this might be eta for structures kicking in instead)

Jakob von Raumer (Jun 01 2022 at 07:54):

Sebastian Ullrich said:

No built-in way I think, since Lean of course wants to preserve these

For all kinds of transformations it is a bit weird to work on those doublets though, since making the transformation consistent already determines them uniquely

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 01 2022 at 08:13):

Mario Carneiro said:

(on second thought, this might be eta for structures kicking in instead)

It's actually older than that, see isDefEqProj. And isDefEqNat/isDefEqStringLit for literals.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC