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Stream: lean4
Topic: Long match of `Sum`s
Bolton Bailey (Nov 16 2023 at 01:24):
I have the following code matching a type constructed from a lot of Sum
def crsElemsI (idx : Unit ⊕ Unit ⊕ Unit ⊕ Fin n_var ⊕ Fin (n_var - 1) ⊕ Fin n_stmt ⊕ Fin n_wit) : Nat :=
match idx with
| Sum.inl _ => 0
| Sum.inr (Sum.inl _) => 1
| Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inl _)) => 2
| Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inl _))) => 3
| Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inl i)))) => i
| Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inl _))))) => 17
| Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr (Sum.inr i))))) => i
Is there any way to write this without quadratically many characters in the number of ⊕? Or a way of generating the cases automatically?
Damiano Testa (Nov 16 2023 at 01:32):
How do you choose the output? Why does it change from being the number of inr
to something else?
Bolton Bailey (Nov 16 2023 at 01:41):
The output for each case is a particular hard coded value set by the protocol I am analyzing. I currently am defining a type using this sequence of Sum
s so that I can capture this particular index space of 3 + n_var + (n_var-1) + n_stmt + n_wit values. I could make this just a list of this length, but then it will be more complicated to map which index corresponds to which index of the list.
Bolton Bailey (Nov 16 2023 at 01:43):
Basically , the adversary is allowed to provide a vector of this length 3 + n_var + (n_var-1) + n_stmt + n_wit
, and so I would like to provide a type for vectors of this length, while still respecting the structure of which elements of the vector are conceptually grouped together.
Bolton Bailey (Nov 16 2023 at 01:47):
Damiano Testa said:
How do you choose the output? Why does it change from being the number of
to something else?
What I wrote above is not my actual example, this is an MWE designed to import as little as possible. In reality the output type should be a type of MVPolynomials. The critical thing is that it's different for each case, and potentially depends on the subindex i
Eric Wieser (Nov 16 2023 at 01:50):
Is there any way to write this without quadratically many characters in the number of ⊕?
Yes, nest matches linearly
Eric Wieser (Nov 16 2023 at 01:53):
def crsElemsI : Unit ⊕ Unit ⊕ Unit ⊕ Fin n_var ⊕ Fin (n_var - 1) ⊕ Fin n_stmt ⊕ Fin n_wit → Nat :=
Sum.elim (fun _ => 0) <|
Sum.elim (fun _ => 1) <|
Sum.elim (fun _ => 2) <|
Sum.elim (fun _ => 3) <|
Sum.elim (fun _ => 1) <|
Sum.elim (fun _ => 17) <| fun i => i
Bolton Bailey (Nov 16 2023 at 01:54):
Eric Wieser said:
Is there any way to write this without quadratically many characters in the number of ⊕?
Yes, nest matches linearly
Good point. I suppose I thought the technically-styled version of that would indent each line once more than the last and use a quadratic number of whitespace characters, but this version looks very nice!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC