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Stream: lean4

Topic: MergeMap env extension

Tomas Skrivan (Apr 13 2023 at 23:53):

Lean has a builtin env extension that can map declarations to arbitrary data. The problem is that you can add data only in the same file as the declaration. This is a limitation that is not working for me. So I wrote a MergeMapDeclarationExtension which is exactly like MapDeclarationExtension but it merges the data from different files.

The MergeMapDeclarationExtension seems to work nicely but I'm a bit concerned with performance. I'm really unsure how to utilize the ImportM monad. I would appreciate any comments on how to improve this. Or better, doesn't matlib or std have this already?

Tomas Skrivan (Apr 13 2023 at 23:54):

the code

import Std.Data.RBMap.Alter

open Lean

def Array.joinlM [Monad m] [Inhabited β] (xs : Array α) (map : α  m β) (op : β  β  m β) : m β := do
  if h : 0 < xs.size then
    xs[1:].foldlM (init:=( map xs[0])) λ acc x => do op acc ( map x)
    pure default

def Array.joinl [Inhabited β] (xs : Array α) (map : α  β) (op : β  β  β) : β := Id.run do
  xs.joinlM map op

namespace Lean

structure MergeMapDeclarationExtension.Merge (α) where
  merge : Name  α  α  α
  is_valid :  n a b c, merge n (merge n a b) c = merge n a (merge n b c)
              n a b, merge n a b = merge n b a

open MergeMapDeclarationExtension in
Similar to `MapDeclarationExtension` but it allows you to insert declarations that were not declared in the same file.
However, you have to provide how to merge the values and to guarantee consistency i.e. merging should be associative and commutative.
def MergeMapDeclarationExtension (α)
  := PersistentEnvExtension (Name × α) (Name × α) (Std.RBMap Name α Name.quickCmp)

open MergeMapDeclarationExtension in
def mkMergeMapDeclarationExtension [Inhabited α] (merge : Merge α) (name : Name := by exact decl_name%)
  : IO (MergeMapDeclarationExtension α) :=
  registerPersistentEnvExtension {
    name          := name
    mkInitial     := pure default
    addImportedFn := fun s =>
      let m := (s.map λ s' => .ofArray s' _) |>.joinl id λ a b => .mergeWith merge.1 a b
      pure m
    addEntryFn    := fun s (n,val') => (s.alter n (λ val? => match val? with | .some val => merge.1 n val val' | none => val'))
    exportEntriesFn := fun s => s.toList.toArray

namespace MergeMapDeclarationExtension

instance : Inhabited (MergeMapDeclarationExtension α) :=
  inferInstanceAs (Inhabited (PersistentEnvExtension ..))

variable {m} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m]

def insert (ext : MergeMapDeclarationExtension α) (declName : Name) (val : α) : m Unit :=
  modifyEnv (λ env => ext.addEntry env (declName, val))

def find? [Inhabited α] (ext : MergeMapDeclarationExtension α) (declName : Name) : m (Option α) := do
  return (ext.getState ( getEnv)).find? declName

def contains [Inhabited α] (ext : MergeMapDeclarationExtension α) (declName : Name) : m Bool := do
  return (ext.getState ( getEnv)).contains declName

end MergeMapDeclarationExtension

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC