Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: Metaprogramming: Importing modules

Adrian Marti (May 20 2021 at 11:11):

I am experimenting with using the Lean package in order to produce my own .olean files. I am running into an issue when importing modules. One can reproduce the problem in a new nix flake lean package, where the only source file contains the following code:

import Lean

open Lean

def main (args: List String) : IO Unit := do
  searchPathRef.set ["/nix/store/xn6b2h5izwi786gs5995fn0fcs7yif06-lean-stage1/lib/lean"]

  let env <- importModules [{module := `Init}] Options.empty

-- #eval main []

Interestingly, the editor runs #eval main [] fine, and it even works if I omit running searchPathRef.set, as the search path seems to be set correctly by default. But if I run the executable component of the package with nix run .#executable, I get the following output:

uncaught exception: could not find native implementation of external declaration 'Nat.div'

If I omit the seachPathRef.set ... line, it does not fine the Init module at all when running nix run .#executable, the searchPathRef seems to be the empty list and thus we get the error:

uncaught exception: unknown package 'Init'

Am I missing something? Do I need to manually point to the native implementations of Init? Although it seemed to me that those implementations were already in the .a files in /nix/store/xn6b2h5izwi786gs5995fn0fcs7yif06-lean-stage1/lib/lean.

I am not even interested in using those native implementations, since I only want to create .olean files.

Sebastian Ullrich (May 20 2021 at 11:20):

See https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/unknown.20package.20'Init'/near/231097911. You should be able to do this in Nix by passing leancFlags = ["-rdynamic"]; to buildLeanPackage.

Adrian Marti (May 20 2021 at 11:23):

Note that setting LEAN_PATH="/nix/store/xn6b2h5izwi786gs5995fn0fcs7yif06-lean-stage1/lib/lean" and running initSearchPath instead of searchPathRef.set... produces exactly the same result:

uncaught exception: could not find native implementation of external declaration 'Nat.div'

Sebastian Ullrich (May 20 2021 at 11:23):

Now, the reason importing can trigger the interpreter in the first place is that the [init] attribute runs code on import to initialize e.g. some IO.Ref objects. This might not be strictly necessary depending on your use case, but currently it cannot be turned off.

Adrian Marti (May 20 2021 at 11:23):

Sebastian Ullrich said:

See https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/unknown.20package.20'Init'/near/231097911. You should be able to do this in Nix by passing leancFlags = ["-rdynamic"]; to buildLeanPackage.

Okay, thank you, I will try that

Adrian Marti (May 20 2021 at 12:00):

Okay, my code now works if I package it with leanpkg, thanks to the stream you referenced. So that is already big progress and I wouldn't mind changing to using leanpkg instead of nix. But for the record, passing leancFlags = ["-rdynamic"]; to buildLeanPackage did not make a difference and it still outputs the same uncaught exception: could not find native implementation of external declaration 'Nat.div' error.

Sebastian Ullrich (May 20 2021 at 12:09):

Oh I see, we don't use them for linking. I added a new parameter linkFlags for that.

Adrian Marti (May 20 2021 at 12:20):

Thanks! Everything works now!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC