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Stream: lean4
Topic: MonadControlT vs transitive closure of MonadControl
Brendan Seamas Murphy (Nov 16 2023 at 05:09):
The doc string for the MonadControlT
class says "Transitive closure of MonadControlT". If this is the case, why is the input MonadControlT.stM m n α
of MonadControlT.restoreM
not wrapped in m
? I don't really understand this stuff well enough to figure out if there's some intentional difference between MonadControlT.stM
and MonadControl.stM
that works out because of typeclass resolution, but it seemed off to me
Brendan Seamas Murphy (Nov 16 2023 at 05:15):
I'm writing down and formalizing the laws for MonadControl
as stated in Haskell's monad-control
package and this is tripping me up. There also seem to be some design decisions in haskell monad transformers libraries that are influenced by parametricity, more specifically there are external free theorems that we can't prove in lean because e.g. they fail in the precense of LEM and this implies certain coherence conditions for the typeclasses. I'm not sure if this is relevant to anything right now, but I wanted to point it out
Jannis Limperg (Nov 16 2023 at 11:08):
The "transitive closure" refers to the declared instances, not to their methods. This means that MonadControlT
and MonadControl
provide the exact same interface, but MonadControl
instances perform only one step of lifting (from m
, say, to Reader σ m
) while MonadControlT
instances perform any finite number of steps (from m
, say, to Reader σ (ExceptT ε m)
variable (m : Type → Type) [Monad m] (ε σ : Type)
#synth MonadControl m (ReaderT σ m)
#synth MonadControl m (ExceptT ε m)
#synth MonadControl m (ReaderT σ (ExceptT ε m)) -- fails
#synth MonadControlT m (ReaderT σ (ExceptT ε m))
So in practice, you always declare MonadControl
instances and when you have a function that uses the MonadControl
interface, you give it a MonadControlT
instance argument. There's also a similar pattern for MonadLift
and probably similar classes.
Brendan Seamas Murphy (Nov 16 2023 at 16:03):
But they don't have the same interface, the type of restoreM is different
Jannis Limperg (Nov 16 2023 at 16:19):
Ah! Sorry, I didn't realise there was a discrepancy there even though you pointed it out explicitly. I'm not sure that's intentional.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC