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Stream: lean4
Topic: Mul.mul does not match operator for rewriting
David A (Jul 05 2022 at 19:51):
I was playing around with Agda-style definitions for algebraic properties, like
variable (α : Type u)
def Op₂ := α → α → α
def IsCommutative {α} (op : Op₂ α) := (a b : α) → op a b = op b a
class CommMagma extends Mul α where
mul_comm : IsCommutative mul
However, mul_comm
cannot be used to rewrite because Mul.mul a b
doesn't match a * b
. A standalone minimal repro of the issue is:
example (a b : Nat) (h : Mul.mul a b = 2) : a * b + a * b = 4 :=
by rw [h]
Replacing the function with HMul.hMul
does work; even in the full class example. I think the problem is that Mul.mul
is not definitionally equal to HMul.hMul
, and/or that the instance for Nat
isn't reducible, or maybe the definition isn't reducible, idk.
Is there any solution for this other than redefining the operators to use the Mul
typeclass? In particular what I want to get working is to be able to refer to the operation as mul
(or some other short term that correctly supplies the α
needed by the elaborator) in the class field types, but have this still rewrite the symbolic operator.
Henrik Böving (Jul 05 2022 at 19:54):
a * b
is always implemented as HMul
as you noticed correctly, however usually we have a default instance that uses Mul.mul
instead so what you can do is:
example (a b : Nat) (h : Mul.mul a b = 2) : a * b + a * b = 4 :=
by simp [HMul.hMul, h]
David A (Jul 06 2022 at 17:40):
Unfortunately that would not be very practical in more complex situations.
I found an interesting minimal pair for this issue. This rewrite fails:
def IsCommutative {α} (op : Op₂ α) := (a b : α) → op a b = op b a
variable (α)
class Magma extends HMul α α α where
abbrev Magma.mul [Magma α] : α → α → α := Magma.toHMul.1
class CommMagma extends Magma α where
mul_comm : IsCommutative toMagma.mul
example [CommMagma α] (a b c : α) : a * b * c = b * a * c :=
by rw [CommMagma.mul_comm a b]
But if I inline the abbrev, the rewrite succeeds:
mul_comm : IsCommutative toMagma.toHMul.hMul
That is very counter-intuitive to me as I thought rewrites should not be sensitive to the presence of reducible names.
Henrik Böving (Jul 06 2022 at 17:55):
I don't think rewrites will (or should) automatically unfold definitions when they are searching for the pattern to apply their theorem to? The point of rewrite to me has always been that you can explicitly control such stuff.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC