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Stream: lean4

Topic: Mutual inductive rec

Marcus Rossel (Aug 16 2021 at 13:26):

Why are recursors for mutual inductive types the way they are? And how are they to be used?

I've had a previous discussion about some mutual inductive types. Fundamentally, all of the types I had to define were structures. But since it isn't possible to directly declare structures in a mutual block, I'm trying to add the niceties of structures manually.
My problem now is that I have to use the recursors of those types, which (e.g.) look like this:

Component.MutationOutput.rec : ((prtVals : Ports ?m.534 ?m.535) 
    (state : StateVars ?m.534 ?m.535) 
      (newCns delCns : List (?m.534 × ?m.534)) 
        (newRtrs : List (Component.Reactor ?m.534 ?m.535)) 
          (delRtrs : Finset ?m.534) 
            ?m.540 newRtrs  ?m.536 (Component.MutationOutput.mk prtVals state newCns delCns newRtrs delRtrs)) 
  ((deps : Ports.Role  Finset ?m.534) 
      (triggers : Finset ?m.534) 
        (body : Ports ?m.534 ?m.535  StateVars ?m.534 ?m.535  Component.MutationOutput ?m.534 ?m.535) 
          (tsSubInDeps : triggers  deps Ports.Role.in) 
            ((a : Ports ?m.534 ?m.535)  (a_1 : StateVars ?m.534 ?m.535)  ?m.536 (body a a_1)) 
              ?m.537 (Component.Mutation.mk deps triggers body tsSubInDeps)) 
    ((ports : Ports.Role  Ports ?m.534 ?m.535) 
        (state : StateVars ?m.534 ?m.535) 
          (rcns muts : Finmap ?m.534 (Component.Mutation ?m.534 ?m.535)) 
            (nest : Component.Network ?m.534 ?m.535) 
              ?m.541 rcns  ?m.541 muts  ?m.539 nest  ?m.538 (Component.Reactor.mk ports state rcns muts nest)) 
      ([l : LGraph.Edge (NetworkEdge ?m.534) ?m.534] 
          (nodes : Finmap ?m.534 (Component.Reactor ?m.534 ?m.535)) 
            (edges : Finset (NetworkEdge ?m.534))  ?m.542 nodes  ?m.539 (Component.Network.mk nodes edges)) 
        ?m.540 [] 
          ((head : Component.Reactor ?m.534 ?m.535) 
              (tail : List (Component.Reactor ?m.534 ?m.535))  ?m.538 head  ?m.540 tail  ?m.540 (head :: tail)) 
            ((map : ?m.534  Option (Component.Mutation ?m.534 ?m.535)) 
                (finite : Set.finite (Set.image map Set.univ)) 
                  ((a : ?m.534)  ?m.543 (map a))  ?m.541 { map := map, finite := finite }) 
              ((map : ?m.534  Option (Component.Reactor ?m.534 ?m.535)) 
                  (finite : Set.finite (Set.image map Set.univ)) 
                    ((a : ?m.534)  ?m.544 (map a))  ?m.542 { map := map, finite := finite }) 
                ?m.543 none 
                  ((val : Component.Mutation ?m.534 ?m.535)  ?m.537 val  ?m.543 (some val)) 
                    ?m.544 Option.none 
                      ((val : Component.Reactor ?m.534 ?m.535)  ?m.538 val  ?m.544 (Option.some val)) 
                        (t : Component.MutationOutput ?m.534 ?m.535)  ?m.536 t

This is the recursor for the following type (without showing the related mutual inductives):

inductive MutationOutput (ι υ)
  | mk
    (prtVals : Ports ι υ)
    (state   : StateVars ι υ)
    (newCns  : List (ι × ι))
    (delCns  : List (ι × ι))
    (newRtrs : List (Reactor ι υ))
    (delRtrs : Finset ι)

I was trying to write a simple accessor for prtVals:

def MutationOutput.prtVals (o : MutationOutput ι υ) : Ports ι υ := ...

But I don't know how to apply that wall of a recursor here.

Marcus Rossel (Aug 17 2021 at 11:11):

Jannis Limperg said:

Note that termination checking for mutually recursive functions is not implemented yet, and neither is well-founded recursion. So you can only use the equation compiler for partial functions. If you want a function about which you can prove things, you need to use the recursor for now, and even then the function will be noncomputable (since the recursor is currently noncomputable). So my advice would be to avoid mutual inductives at all cost.

Hmm, I don't really understand what you're saying yet. What's different about using the recursor vs. the equation compiler?

Marcus Rossel (Aug 17 2021 at 11:12):

And can't I do well-founded recursion manually?

Notification Bot (Aug 17 2021 at 11:12):

Marcus Rossel has marked this topic as unresolved.

Jannis Limperg (Aug 17 2021 at 11:24):

Take a look at this example:

  inductive A
    | base : A
    | mk : B  A

  inductive B
    | mk : A  B

  def constructorCountA : A  Nat
    | A.base => 1
    | A.mk b => constructorCountB b + 1

  def constructorCountB : B  Nat
    | B.mk a => constructorCountA a + 1

noncomputable def constructorCountA₂ : A  Nat :=
  A.rec (motive_1 := λ _ => Nat) (motive_2 := λ _ => Nat)
    (λ _ rec => rec + 1)
    (λ _ rec => rec + 1)

The mutual block does not compile. constructorCountA₂ does not compile unless marked noncomputable (and I guess if marked noncomputable, it doesn't compile in a different sense). If you try to use wfrec, you'll notice (a) that all the definitions in Init/WF.lean are noncomputable and (b) that whatever well-founded relation you'd like to use may need to be defined by recursion itself. (Not sure about the last point.)

Marcus Rossel (Aug 17 2021 at 11:29):

Jannis Limperg said:

constructorCountA₂ does not compile unless marked noncomputable (and I guess if marked noncomputable, it doesn't compile in a different sense).

constructorCountA₂ compiles fine for me.

Marcus Rossel (Aug 17 2021 at 11:29):

Oh, that's what you mean by "doesn't compile in a different sense".

Marcus Rossel (Aug 17 2021 at 11:30):

So if I'm fine with noncomputability, then the recursor approach is fine, isn't it?

Jannis Limperg (Aug 17 2021 at 11:59):

I think so, yes, if you can stomach the resulting ugliness.

Mac (Aug 17 2021 at 20:07):

Marcus Rossel said:

Fundamentally, all of the types I had to define were structures. But since it isn't possible to directly declare structures in a mutual block, I'm t

If you just have mutual nested structure, It is important to note that you can get away with avoiding mutual blocks altogether by making your types parametrized by the mutual type. See this Zulip thread for an example of how this works.

Mac (Aug 17 2021 at 20:18):

For example, your mutual block from here could have been written like this:

structure BaseMutationOutput (R : Type) (ι : Type) where
  prtVals : List ι
  state   : Finset ι
  newCns  : List (ι × ι)
  newRcns : List (R)

structure BaseMutation (R : Type) (ι : Type) where
  deps : Finset ι
  body : List ι  Nat  BaseMutationOutput R ι
  outPrtValsDepOnly :  i s {o}, (o  deps)  (body i s).prtVals.nth o = none)

inductive Reaction (ι : Type)
  | mk
    (core : BaseMutation (Reaction ι) ι)
    (noNewCns  :  i s, (core.body i s).newCns = [])

abbrev MutationOutput (ι : Type) := BaseMutationOutput (Reaction ι) ι
abbrev Mutation (ι : Type) := BaseMutation (Reaction ι) ι

Marcus Rossel (Aug 18 2021 at 07:07):

Mac said:

If you just have mutual nested structure, It is important to note that you can get away with avoiding mutual blocks altogether by making your types parametrized by the mutual type.

Nice, that worked pretty well for the most part! I just have one case again where I'm getting an error that I don't understand:

structure Network (ι ρ) where
  (nodes : Finmap ι ρ)

inductive Reactor (ι υ : Type _)
  | mk
    (nest : Network ι (Reactor ι υ))


(kernel) arg #3 of '_nested.C.Network_1.mk' contains a non valid occurrence of the datatypes being declared

And removing the nodes from Network resolves the error.

Context for MWE:

def Set.finite (s : Set α) : Prop := sorry

structure Finmap (α β) where
  map : α  Option β
  finite : (Set.univ.image map).finite

Marcus Rossel (Aug 18 2021 at 07:10):

Ok I just noticed that the sorry might actually be the problem.

Marcus Rossel (Aug 18 2021 at 08:11):

@Mac What's the benefit of using the parameter-based approach? Because (e.g.) the recursor that I get for Reactor that way is still

Reactor.rec : ((ports : Role  Ports ?m.11182 ?m.11183) 
    (state : StateVars ?m.11182 ?m.11183) 
      (rcns muts : Finmap ?m.11182 (Mutation ?m.11182 ?m.11183 (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183))) 
        (prios : PartialOrder ?m.11182) 
          (nest : Network ?m.11182 (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183)) 
            ?m.11185 rcns  ?m.11185 muts  ?m.11186 nest  ?m.11184 (Reactor.mk ports state rcns muts prios nest)) 
  ((map : ?m.11182  Option (Mutation ?m.11182 ?m.11183 (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183))) 
      (finite : Set.finite (Set.image map Set.univ)) 
        ((a : ?m.11182)  ?m.11187 (map a))  ?m.11185 { map := map, finite := finite }) 
    ((nodes : Finmap ?m.11182 (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183)) 
        (edges : Finset (Connection ?m.11182))  ?m.11188 nodes  ?m.11186 { nodes := nodes, edges := edges }) 
      ?m.11187 none 
        ((val : Mutation ?m.11182 ?m.11183 (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183))  ?m.11189 val  ?m.11187 (some val)) 
          ((map : ?m.11182  Option (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183)) 
              (finite : Set.finite (Set.image map Set.univ)) 
                ((a : ?m.11182)  ?m.11190 (map a))  ?m.11188 { map := map, finite := finite }) 
            ((deps : Role  Finset ?m.11182) 
                (triggers : Finset ?m.11182) 
                  (body :
                      Ports ?m.11182 ?m.11183 
                        StateVars ?m.11182 ?m.11183  MutationOutput ?m.11182 ?m.11183 (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183)) 
                    ((a : Ports ?m.11182 ?m.11183)  (a_1 : StateVars ?m.11182 ?m.11183)  ?m.11191 (body a a_1)) 
                      ?m.11189 { deps := deps, triggers := triggers, body := body }) 
              ?m.11190 Option.none 
                ((val : Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183)  ?m.11184 val  ?m.11190 (Option.some val)) 
                  ((prtVals : Ports ?m.11182 ?m.11183) 
                      (state : StateVars ?m.11182 ?m.11183) 
                        (newCns delCns : List (?m.11182 × ?m.11182)) 
                          (newRtrs : List (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183)) 
                            (delRtrs : Finset ?m.11182) 
                              ?m.11192 newRtrs 
                                  { prtVals := prtVals, state := state, newCns := newCns, delCns := delCns,
                                    newRtrs := newRtrs, delRtrs := delRtrs }) 
                    ?m.11192 [] 
                      ((head : Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183) 
                          (tail : List (Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183)) 
                            ?m.11184 head  ?m.11192 tail  ?m.11192 (head :: tail)) 
                        (t : Reactor ?m.11182 ?m.11183)  ?m.11184 t

Mario Carneiro (Aug 18 2021 at 08:15):

the benefit is that the structures are structures, and you get the usual niceties of field projections and structure instances

Marcus Rossel (Aug 18 2021 at 08:16):

"structure instances"?

Mario Carneiro (Aug 18 2021 at 08:17):

{foo := 1, bar := 2}

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC